2021 Pre-conference Workshops


Zoom mini-workshops
Open to everyone, not just registered conferees.


Growing Your Craft to Increase Your Impact
Preview of author, teacher, speaker Tim Riter’s continuing session


Writing the Personal Experience Story
Marlene Bagnull – conference director with over 1,000 sales to Christian periodicals
Seven essential elements of a personal experience story and pitfalls to avoid. Click here for handout.

Wednesday, August 4, 9 pm EST
The Marketing Section of Your Book Proposal
Dan Balow
– literary agent
Answering the questions agents and publishers are asking.
Wednesday, August 4, 9 pm EST

Saturday, August 7, 11 am EST
Writing Articles – How to Hook ’Em from the Get-Go; Hold ’Em to the End
Marlene Bagnull – conference director with over 1,000 sales to Christian periodicals

Click here for handout.

Wednesday, August 11, 2 pm EST
Since You're Ready to Publish, Make Sure You Do It the Right Way!
Amy Deardon – Publisher, EBook Listing Services

Congratulations! You've finished your book manuscript and want to get it published. Now what? This mini-course reviews the positives and negatives of the three types of publishing (traditional, subsidy/hybrid, and self) and includes questions to help you determine your publishing preference. You'll learn the next few steps you need to take no matter which road you want to pursue, and common pitfalls that you'll be happier avoiding. Whether you want to find a literary agent and publisher, or you're ready to find contractors and/or prepare your book yourself, this ebook will point you in the right direction to move forward!

Going Indie
Encouragement from Marlene Bagnull

https://bit.ly/3gaW4uA   Password:  Evja25k$
Note: The Going Indie workshops I mention are from the June Philly conference. Amy Deardon will be teaching the entire Go Indie continuing session at the Colorado conference.

Thursday, August 12, 6:30 pm EST
Encouragement for Debut Authors Trying to Enter the Publishing World
Miralee Ferrell – Publisher, Mountain Brook Ink; Best-selling Author
Meeting ID: 874 8321 0166
Passcode: 523012

Monday, August 16, Noon EST
Writing Your Past Into Your Fiction 
Susan Baganz – Editor, Pelican Book Group; Author

Sometimes our deepest pains and hardships can become fodder for great stories God can use to help others. How can you do this while maintaining privacy and without drowning in memories of the past? Click here for handout.

Wednesday, August 18, Noon EST
Panster or Plotter?
Susan Baganz – Editor, Pelican Book Group; Author

Some people write by a strict process of outlining (Plotter) and others do it by the seat of their pants (Panster). How are YOU supposed to write your novel? Is there a method that works best? We’ll explore this continuum so you can write in the way that suits who God made you to be as a writer.
https://youtu.be/WpCLlVgqKIY   Handout 



Pre-conference Learning Opportunities
For registered conferees – No extra charge
Links in your registration acknowledgment


Get the Book Inside You to Come Out – Debbie Hardy
How do you get the book inside you to come out? And then what? We'll cover the process, from writing to pitching, submitting, publishing, publicity, and marketing. And you'll get a basic knowledge of writing terms, dispelling many myths of the publishing world.

Build Your Amazon Author Page & More – Dianne E. Butts
Build your Amazon Author Page (must have at least one product on Amazon) and learn how Amazon’s Followers can market your books. Then build your Author Page on Amazon-owned Goodreads and learn tips to market your book there, too. BONUS: Discover a dozen+ FREE sites to make cool images with your book covers, 3D covers, trailers, Quote squares, and more to share on Social Media to market your books.

Find Your Readers on Social Media – Rachel Schmoyer 
Tik-tok. Instagram. Reels. Facebook. Clubhouse. Twitter. Pinterest. Social media is EVERYWHERE. Learn how to use the power of the Internet to your advantage as Rachel shares the latest developments as well as best practices.  

The Dreaded “E” Word – Edwina Perkins 
Getting the words on the page is only the first step. Next, time to edit. The ability to self-edit is an important component to polishing your manuscript. Any writer who is serious about publication needs to work hard to learn how to self-edit. This workshop will introduce you to some basic—and not so basic—self-editing tips to help take your manuscript to the next level. 


In Preparation for Your Appointments 
Links in your registration acknowledgment


Nonfiction One Sheet – Marlene Bagnull
What to include and why this information is needed to interest an agent or editor in your book. Click here for sample oen sheet.

Fiction One Sheet – Darcie Gudger
First impressions are everything. Like a resume for that dream job, your one sheet needs to leave a lasting impression on agents and editors who require them. Since expectations change like the weather, come learn how you can craft that unforgettable, colorful fiction one sheet. Click here for sample.

The Weight of the First Page – Linda Glaz
Learn to put POP! and action onto the first page of your work, in a manner that keeps a potential reader … well … reading.

Pitching to Industry Professionals – Linda Glaz
Learn how to construct the much-needed Pitch.

Zoom Meetings 

Developing a Great Nonfiction Pitch – Karen Whiting
Make the best pitch to not only grab an editor’s attention to help get a contract, but to start developing the marketing (tweaking a pitch to focus on the reader flow from the original pitch). Karen Whiting, author of 27 traditionally published books, will provide individual help to polish each person’s pitch. An effective pitch will, in 30 seconds:

Practice Your Fiction Pitch – Gayle Roper
So you only have a few minutes tops. What do you say to catch the ear of an editor, an agent--anybody? Let's work together on your pitch. Let's get the best first sentence you can devise, the best story arc you can present in the fewest words. If ever there's a time you need to prepare, it's now so you sound professional and your story sounds irresistible.

Wednesday, August 25 – Mountain Standard Time

Early Bird Workshops – for registered conferees

4:00 – 5:00 pm    
Early Bird Workshop – Crafting a Winning Nonfiction Book Proposal – Cindy Lambert
A winning book proposal is a tool that entices seven audiences (author, agent, editor, pub board, marketing, creative, and sales) to grasp a contagious vision for a book, and then equips them to successfully play their parts in placing the book into the hands of its ideal readership. (Prerequisite for those accepted for Cindy’s clinic.)

4:00 – 5:00 PM
Early Bird Workshop – Solving Plot Problems – Dave Lambert

Every novel is a mystery novel. By that I mean that every reader is reading to find something out—and when they no longer care about that something, they stop reading. The way you keep their interest piqued is by the skillful use of plotting. In this class, we’ll examine many aspects of this all-important fiction technique: Handling suspense; handling conflict, confrontation, and compulsion; foreshadowing; plot structure; the intersection of plot and character; and common mistakes. (Open to everyone but a prerequisite for those in Dave’s clinic.)


5:30 – 6:20 pm
The 25-Hour Day – Ava Pennington
Ever wish you had an extra hour (or more) each day? Everyone’s day starts with the same 24 hours, so why are some writers more effective than others in using their time? Whether you’re a full-time writer, or you’re snatching writing time when the rest of the family is asleep, learn planning and organizing tips to help you make the most of your busy schedule.

6:20 – 6:40 pm
Getting Around Our Dashboard – Marlene Bagnull

7:00 – 8:00 pm     
Brandstorming – Dick Bruso
Don’t miss out! Learn how to set yourself apart by attending Dick Bruso’s highly acclaimed story-based Brandstorming session for creating powerful, unique, and enduring brands in a very noisy marketplace. 

For well over two decades, Dick has presented his in-demand Brandstorming program all across North America. This year, it’s being offered virtually, at no additional cost, as a special bonus, via Zoom, to all registrants of the 2021 Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference.

During this dynamic interactive session, Dick will demonstrate (with the assistance of two randomly selected attendees) how you and your writer colleagues can develop brands based on your unique and powerful life stories. You’ll also learn the secret of how to apply the “umbrella branding” approach to encompass all aspects of your career as a professional writer while staying totally congruent with your desired target markets.