2024 Agents


To help you determine appointments to request.
Click here for a PDF of this chart.


To help you determine appointments to request.
Click here for a PDF of above chart.

Codes in red after what they are teaching
B = Beginner, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced

Click here for definitions of the above

All times are ET (Eastern Time)


Blythe Daniel

Agent, Blythe Daniel Agency
Author, Marketer


Blythe is a literary agent, author, and marketer. Her agency markets books through podcasts, blogs, launch teams, and traditional media. She represents adult nonfiction and select fiction along with several children’s fiction and nonfiction. Blythe has been the publicity director and marketing director for Nelson Books, now Harper Collins Christian Publishing, and has spent the last 19 years as a literary agent. The agency represents authors primarily in the Christian market. Blythe and her mother, Dr. Helen McIntosh, co-authored Mended: Restoring the Hearts of Mothers and Daughters (Harvest House) and I Love You Mom: Cherished Word Gifts from My Heart to Yours (Tyndale). Blythe and her daughter, Calyn, co-authored Let’s Be Friends: A Tween Devotional on Finding and Keeping Strong Friendships (Harvest House). I Love You, Dad: Words to Honor and Humor You (End Game Press) written by Blythe, her mom, and Blythe’s son, William, just released in June. Blythe lives in Colorado with her husband and three teens.


Workshop 9A — Writing Marketing Copy for Your Book (Thursday, 2:15 – 3:05)   ALL
Good writers don’t just write books. They have learned to write engaging and descriptive, marketing copy. How long should back cover copy be? What should your promotional emails look like? How do you write copy that can be used for multiple purposes? In this workshop, we’ll look at several examples and guide you to create your own marketing hooks and copy so you are equipped to walk away with effective marketing copy!


Blythe Daniel — Blythe Daniel Agency

Nonfiction: Christian living/ministry/evangelism, culture/contemporary issues, devotionals, marriage/family/parenting, men’s books, prayer & spiritual warfare, women’s interests

Fiction: Biblical fiction, historical, romantic comedy, women’s fiction

Children & YA: devotionals, early readers-fiction, middle grade fiction, middle grade nonfiction

Other: gift books

Helpful Tips: I’m acquiring books that meet a felt need for men, women, mothers, fathers, and children. Also books written by leaders for leaders. I’m looking for books that look at evangelism, discipleship, mental health, anxiety, the present and future of the church, and lifestyle books from a spiritual perspective. We have a handful of fiction books for adults (women’s, historical, romantic comedy, bookish fiction) and children. Overall looking at themes and concepts that speak to something we have not heard the way the author presents it and has a message that is biblically-based.  

Show me your connection to the book. Why is it important to you? Who do you think the target market is? How have you begun to build and reach your audience? How will you continue to do so? A marketing plan is helpful even if you are new/unpublished.


Dr. Sharon Norris Elliott
Literary Agent, Founder/CEO
AuthorizeMe Literary Firm
Author, Editor, Speaker

From obscurity in Compton, CA, to commanding main stages teaching others how to write their books and understand the Bible, Dr. Sharon Norris Elliott encourages us to “Live significantly!” This inspiring message has driven Sharon to become an award-winning author, editor, agent, engaging speaker, and licensed minister. She is the author of sixteen books, and associated with several prestigious organizations such as AWSA, ACE, SCBWI, and HSBN.tv. Sharon is also co-director of the West Coast Christian Writers conference and the founder/CEO of the successful AuthorizeMe® Consulting, Coaching & Editing Firm, and Literary Agency. 

LL7 – Learning Lab – Ten P’s to Your Writing Success (Wednesday, 2:30 – 4:30)   ALL
There’s more involved with being an author than getting a book published. What does it really take to be a successful author? Attend this learning lab and get the lowdown. Not only will you gain a wealth of knowledge about what really goes on in the business from an industry insider, but you’ll leave knowing what people to surround yourself with, how to brand yourself, and how to develop your personal mission statement and tagline. In addition, you’ll start thinking through your publishing plan for the future and much more. 

Workshop 8A — From God, Through You (Thursday, 2:15 – 3:05)   ALL
Turn your personal Bible study into articles, books, and/or talks that are sure to bless others. Bring your Bible and your creativity and go away from this workshop with a personalized message ready for you to further develop into a useable message.


Sharon Elliott — AuthorizeMe Literary Firm

Nonfiction: Bible studies, Christian living/ministry/evangelism, culture/contemporary issues, curriculum/how-to-teaching, devotionals, discipleship/personal growth, marriage/family/parenting, memoir/personal experience, men’s books, prayer & spiritual warfare, women’s interests

Fiction: action/adventure, Biblical fiction, contemporary, general market, historical romance, inspirational, issues fiction, romance, romantic comedy, women’s fiction

Children & YA: biographies, chapter books, devotionals, early readers-fiction, early readers-nonfiction, middle grade fiction, middle grade nonfiction, nonfiction ages 6-8, nonfiction ages 9-12, picture books, tweens fiction

Other: humor

Greatest Areas of Interest: topics that serve the audience’s needs

Helpful Tips: The most important thing for every manuscript it that the author demonstrates a clear understanding of the felt need of the audience. This means, of course, that the author knows and has a relationship with the audience of the book. Especially with memoir, authors must know the main takeaway of their book(s). What is it about your story that the reader needs for his/her life?


David Fessenden
Literary Agent, WordWise Media Services
Editorial Coordinator, CLC Publications
Author, www.davefessenden.com


Dave has degrees in journalism and theology, and over thirty years of experience in writing and editing. He has served in editorial management positions for Christian book publishers and was regional editor for the largest Protestant weekly newspaper in the country.

Dave has published seven books, written hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles, and edited numerous books. He is a frequent speaker at writers’ conferences. Two of his books, Writing the Christian Nonfiction Book: Concept to Contract and A Christian Writer’s Guide to the Book Proposal, are based on his experience in Christian publishing. The Case of the Exploding Speakeasy, Dave’s first novel, reflects his love for history and for the Sherlock Holmes stories of Arthur Conan-Doyle. Dave is currently pitching his second novel to publishers. Figman O’Firth is about a Scottish storyteller at the cusp of the Renaissance.

Dave and his wife, Jacque, live in south-central Pennsylvania and have two adult sons. Dave’s books are available on Amazon.

Workshop 7B — Book Proposals – Front End Method (Thursday, 5:15 – 6:05)   ALL
Maybe one in ten book proposals is complete and well- prepared. Why? Because most authors go about it backwards, and it’s a process doomed to failure. This workshop shows you how to prepare a simple and successful proposal. 

Workshop 7E — The Publishing Contract (Saturday, 2:00 – 2:50)   ALL
Just when you are rejoicing that your book is going to be published, you receive a thick envelope in the mail—the dreaded publishing contract. This seminar explains the clauses in a standard book contract, from a layperson’s perspective. [Disclaimer: I’m not a lawyer, and I don’t dispense legal advice!] 


Dave Fessenden — WordWise Media Services

Nonfiction: Bible studies, Christian living/ministry/evangelism, church growth/life/renewal, devotionals, discipleship/personal growth, men’s books, prayer & spiritual warfare

Fiction: action/adventure, historical, inspirational, suspense/crime/mystery

Other: gift books

Greatest Areas of Interest: historical, mystery

Overworked Topics: apologetics, sci-fi/fantasy

Helpful Tips: Provide a complete book proposal. 

URL, Guidelines for Writers: www.wordwisemedia.com


Linda S. Glaz

Owner, Agent, Linda S. Glaz Literary Agency

Linda spent thirteen years as an agent before going out on her own with Linda S. Glaz Literary Agency. She understands authors because she is one! Married with three grown children, she also brags about six grands and two greats. Aw, they're all great! And needless to say, she LOVES books. She is always looking for that next wonderful All American best-selling novel! Linda handles nonfiction and fiction in both the Christian and general markets. General market is clean reads only. And no spec or children’s!

Continuing Session CS1 – Deep POV   I / ADV
Ever wonder just how deep Deep POV really is? Join me for a wander into the deep. We'll discuss dialogue tags: yeah or nah. Developing strong characters. Getting rid of filter words and Show vs. Tell. Why should we use these techniques? Because the deeper you go, the more you strengthen and tighten the writing! Bring a shovel, 'cuz we'll really dig DEEP…


Linda S. Glaz — Linda S. Glaz Literary Agency

Nonfiction: books military related, Christian living/ministry/evangelism, church growth/life/renewal, culture/contemporary issues, curriculum/how-to-teaching, devotionals, discipleship/personal growth, marriage/family/parenting, men’s books, prayer & spiritual warfare, women’s interests

Fiction: action/adventure, contemporary, general market, historical, historical romance, inspirational, legal/political thrillers, romance, romantic comedy, suspense/crime/mystery, 


Kathy Green  
Associate Literary Agent, EmboldenMedia Group
Website/Blog: KathyRGreen.com
Author, Editor, Writing Coach


Kathy is an author, conference speaker, publishing consultant, editor, and writing coach with fourteen years of experience in the publishing industry. Her enthusiasm for reading, writing, and journaling led her to earn a bachelor’s degree in English and writing from Liberty University. Kathy has written three books on prayer. Her books have opened doors to interviews on Atlanta Live, TBN, and Daystar, and numerous radio shows and podcasts. As an Associate Literary Agent with Embolden Media Group, Kathy is passionate about advocating for ministry and marketplace leaders who bring life-transforming messages to faith-based audiences.

Workshop 7F – The Journey to Your Dream (Saturday, 3:45 – 4:35)   ALL
This workshop offers insight on the writing and publishing process. Discover what it takes to go from merely dreaming about being a published author to actually holding your book in your hand. Kathy will share from personal experience how to establish good writing habits, avoid the pitfalls of procrastination, deal with distractions, and overcome obstacles along the journey. Gain the encouragement and inspiration you need to see your writing dreams become a reality.

Kathy Green — Embolden Media Group

Nonfiction: devotionals, discipleship/personal growth, marriage/family/parenting, prayer & spiritual warfare, women’s interests


Joylanda Jamison
Associate Literary Agent
Embolden Media Group
Poet, Writer, Editor


Joylanda is a poet, writer, and editor living in the Blueridge Mountains of Virginia. Her poems and essays have been published in magazines such as Think Christian, Rogue Agent, Fathom, and Resolute. She has a passion for amplifying the voices and stories of BIPOC writers and thrives when helping others cultivate their creative voice. Chat with her on Instagram/FB @itsjoylanda.

Joylanda Jamison — Embolden Media Group

Nonfiction: Early Readers

Fiction: Early Readers, Romance

Children & YA: Picture Books

Other: Poetry

Michelle S. Lazurek
Literary Agent, WordWise Media Services
Award-winning Author
Speaker, Certified Writing Coach
Acquisitions Editor, Roaring Lion Publishers


Michelle is a multi-genre award-winning author, literary agent, certified writing coach, speaker, pastor’s wife, and mother living in Coopersburg, Pennsylvania. She has won two Golden Scroll Children’s Book of the Year awards, Article of the Year award, and the Enduring Light silver medal, among seventeen other honors. She is also a member of the Christian Author's Network and the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association. 
Workshop 1A — Writing to Shape Culture (Thursday, 2:15 – 3:05)   ALL
Global Pandemic. Government shutdowns. Economic uncertainty. Given the tumultuous nature of the world around us, is it any wonder Christians feel more hopeless than ever? It can feel like no matter what they do to spread the Gospel, it doesn’t seem to help. This workshop will help them understand that they already possess some of the best tools to tell people about Jesus. 

Workshop 6D — Writing for Early Readers (Friday, 5:15 – 6:05)   B / I
Many people want to write for children. But how do you write engaging content that not only tells a story but also keeps a young audience engaged despite the instant gratification world in which we live? In this workshop, Michelle will address the following aspects of children’s writing:

Michelle S. Lazurek — WordWise Media Services

Nonfiction: leadership, spiritual growth, marriage, parenting

Overworked Topics:  I DO NOT take devotionals, fiction, memoirs, children’s

Helpful Tips: a proposal impresses me. Follow the guidelines below.

URL, Guidelines for Writers: Go to wordwisemedia.com/connect and follow the template guidelines to give me a proposal for me to review. 


Tamela Hancock Murray
Literary Agent, The Steve Laube Agency


Tamela has been a literary agent since 2001. She is a bestselling author of over thirty novels, novellas, and nonfiction books and won an RWA Inspirational Readers Choice Award (follow this link for a complete list of her books). Although her current writing for publication is limited to the Agency blog, because of her experience, Tamela brings the perspective of a working writer to her role as a literary agent. She represents many top authors and continues to develop new talent.

In 2017, ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) named her Agent of the Year, and she is a finalist for the 2024 award.

Tamela enjoys living in northern Virginia with her knight in shining armor. They are the proud parents of two lovely princesses. When not focused on her passion for being a literary agent, Tamela enjoys cooking, particularly with her mother's vintage 1970s harvest gold crockpot. She's always on the lookout for new recipes. As the aromas of dinner waft through the castle, Tamela loves reading all sorts of amazing books.

Tamela Hancock Murray — The Steve Laube Agency

Nonfiction: women’s interests

Fiction: action/adventure, Biblical fiction, contemporary, general market, historical, historical romance, inspirational, issues fiction, legal/political thrillers, literary, romance, romantic comedy, southern, suspense/crime/mystery, women’s fiction

Mytecia R. Myles
Associate Literary Agent,
Author Development and Publishing Consultant
Embolden Media Group


A native of Detroit, MI, Mytecia leads author development and is a publishing consultant and associate literary agent at Embolden Media Group. She is also the founder and Global Head of PR & Communications of Supernatural Success, LLC. Mytecia oversees innovation and client development. She is a sought after advisor, speaker, and writing coach.

As a co-creator, book editor, and workshop presenter, Mytecia has had the honor of working with diverse groups of aspiring writers. She has helped writers in becoming published authors. In addition, she provides her signature writing course Inspired to Write, helping writers navigate from concept ideation through publishing. 

Mytecia is the author of a newly released book, Success Shifts: Navigating Your Divine Calling by Faith. She has two brilliant adult daughters and is supported by a loving family. Her personal journey of faith, healing, transformation, and entrepreneurship is inspiring to many. 

Workshop 9F — Public Relations for Authors: Pre, During, and Post Launch (Saturday, 3:45 – 4:35)   I / ADV
Learn how to create an effective public relations strategy as an author and for your book platform to use for pre, during, and post book launch to increase awareness and build engagement. At the end of the workshop students will have an opportunity to share their creative work and receive feedback from peers and instructor.


Mytecia R. Myles — Embolden Media Group

Nonfiction: Bible studies, biographies & profiles, Christian living/ministry/evangelism, church growth/life/renewal, curriculum/how-to-teaching, discipleship/personal growth, marriage/family/parenting, memoir/personal experience, prayer & spiritual warfare, women’s interests

Fiction: Biblical fiction, general market, historical, inspirational, literary, women’s fiction

Children & YA:  devotionals, picture books


Karen Neumair
Chief Operating Officer and Senior Literary Agent

Karen is a Senior Literary Agent and the Chief Operating Officer of Credo Communications, where she assists authors with their book proposals and connects them with potential publishers. Since 2009, she has worked alongside nonfiction authors who write about Christian living and Spiritual Growth, as well as topics geared toward women and families. In 2017, she expanded her representation to also include picture and board books. You can visit her on Facebook.

LL2 – Learning Lab – Book Proposals Publishers Love (Wednesday, 2:30 – 4:30)   I / ADV
Are you ready to pursue a traditional publisher? This lab will help aspiring authors of nonfiction, fiction, and children’s books to put together the perfect presentation for their project and give them a sneak peek at proposals that sell.

Workshop 6C – So You Want to Write a Children’s Book (Friday, 2:15 – 3:05)   Target Audience: Aspiring Children’s Authors with no publishing experience
How hard could it be? It turns out there are several parameters you need to know before you start that children’s manuscript. Join Senior Literary Agent Karen Neumair as she unpacks the ins and outs of writing board books and picture books for young readers. 


Karen Neumair — Credo Communications

Nonfiction: Christian living/ministry/evangelism, culture/contemporary issues, discipleship/personal growth, marriage/family/parenting, men’s books, women’s interests

Children & YA: devotionals, picture books, board books

Greatest Areas of Interest: Adult nonfiction: Christian living and Spiritual Growth

Overworked Topics: Identity in Christ, Faith Deconstruction



Cheryl Ricker                      NEW!
Literary Agent, Dunamis Words
Author, Poet, Ghostwriter 

Cheryl is an author, poet, ghostwriter, and literary agent who enjoys all things artsy. Her memoirs and devotionals reveal God’s limitless power and love, igniting people to passionately pursue Him. Cheryl and her husband, Dwight, love helping gifted authors and ministry leaders make a big Kingdom impact while reaching their literary dreams.

Cheryl gives her clients focused attention and representation through her agency, Dunamis Words. She studied creative writing and film at York University in Toronto, Ontario, and theology at Christ For the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. Cheryl loves spending time with her husband and adult sons in southeast Minnesota.

Workshop 1C – Partnering with God as You Write (Friday, 2:15 – 3:05)
The best writing starts and ends with God. Learn how intimacy with God and prayer journaling alongside our projects improves everything. Grow in your ability to hear God’s voice, align your heart with His, figure out what He wants you to write, and so much more!   ALL

Though Cheryl will not be taking appointments at the conference, we look forward to her teaching and appreciate her willingness to join us for this session!


For info on booking your appointments click here.



For info on booking your appointments
after you register, click here



For more information on editorial needs, be sure to check
The Christian Writers Market Guide 2024 available in paperback
and as an eBook through the Christian Writers Institute.
I recommend a yearly subscription to the eBook.