
I want to do everything I can to make it possible for you to be with us not just for August 7-10 but through the end of this year to view over 100 hours of video replays. 

Partial scholarships of 50% off the registration fee are available. In addition, Cec Murphey (God bless him!) is again providing some full registration scholarships if you have not received a Cec Murphey scholarship in the past to the Colorado or Greater Philly conference. 

But before you apply, please . . .

1. Ask the Lord to show you what He expects you to contribute toward your registration fee. Could you afford the cost of the conference if you broke the cost into two or three payments?

2. Share your need with your pastor, Sunday school class, small group, or a Christian friend. My pastor sent me to my first conference in 1979. I am convinced that I would not have persevered through several thousand rejection slips and now have over 1,000 sales to magazines and fifteen published books without his support and the sense of accountability I felt not to disappoint his investment in me.

3. Help spread the word about the conference to your writers’ group, church, and social media. You’ll find memes you can share at (link not yet active). If you are part of a writers’ group that meets in person or if your church would be willing to post the flyer on a bulletin board or place some on an info table, I’d be glad to mail you flyers. Just email me at and tell me how many flyers you’d like me to send. And remember, since we’re virtual, we’re able to welcome writers from all over the United States, Canada, and beyond! (Last year we had conferees from 33 states and 5 countries!)

Click here for the application. Scholarships will be awarded on a first come basis, so the sooner you apply, the better opportunity you will have to be chosen. Email your application to me at I’m trusting Him to meet your needs and ours (we have a huge budget to meet) from "His riches in glory" (Philippians 4:19 TLB).