Paid Critiques


Are you looking for One-on-One Help with your work in progress (WIP) but don’t want to spend a fortune?

Take advantage of our Paid Critique opportunity! In a 20-minute phone call or FaceTime or Zoom after the conference, a faculty member of your choice will:

ALL THIS for only $40 paid directly to the faculty member you have selected!

Click here for a PDF of the above charts.

A word from our Appointments Coordinator, Barbie Haley:

I don’t think I’ve ever learned as much as I have from professional edits of my work.
Folks spend thousands of dollars to earn a college degree.
What are you willing to spend to become an expert writer?
Dig deep. Sign up for a paid critique. Learn from the best! 

Here’s how it works . . .

Dear ______, I am registered for the August 7-10 Write His Answer Conference. I am interested in having you do a paid critique. I understand we will meet after the conference ends via a phone call, Facetime, or Zoom for 20 minutes. Please let me know whether or not you still have an opening. If you do, I’ll send you my manuscript according to the guidelines listed on I hope to have the opportunity to learn from you. Thank you for considering my request. ADD YOUR NAME and contact info.

Guidelines for Paid Critique Submissions:



Belk, Twila
Gotta Tell Somebody Gal &
The Writer’s Champion
Author, Editor, Speaker 

Guidelines: Up to 12 double-spaced pages

Genres: Devotions (up to 3), Nonfiction Books, Book Proposals

# of Critiques: 10 total across genres


Carpenter, Larry

Chairman and CEO, Christian Book Services, LLC
Carpenter’s Son Publishing, Clovercroft Publishing
Sports Publishing Group

Guidelines: a chapter

Genre: any genre

# of Critiques: no limit


Clymer, Tamara

President/CEO – CrossRiver Media Group

Guidelines: a chapter

Genre: nonfiction

# of Critiques: no limit


Crabtree, Shane

COO, Christian Book Service LLC

Guidelines: 12 pages

Genre: any nonfiction

# of Critiques: unlimited



Fessenden, Dave
Editorial Coordinator, CLC Publications
Literary Agent, WordWise Media Services
Author, Editor -

Guidelines: Max 12 pages

Genres: Nonfiction, Christian Living, Devotionals, Bible Studies, Theology

# of Critiques: total 4


Klassen, Michael
President, Illumify Media
Author, Ghostwriter

Guidelines: Max 12 pages

Genres: Christian Nonfiction—especially Memoirs, Theology, Devotionals

# of Critiques: Total 10


Langton, Sherri
Associate Editor
Bible Advocate
Now What? e-zine
Freelance Writer

Guidelines: up to 2500 words

Genre: personal experience or teaching

# of Critiques: 3


Lawton, Cathy
Co-owner and Publisher
CLADACH Publishing

Guidelines: one-page summary, table of contents, and one chapter

Genre: nonfiction

# of Critiques: 3


Lazurek, Michelle

Acquisitions Editor, Roaring Lion Publishers
Literary Agent, WordWise Media Services
Award-winning Author
Speaker, Certified Writing Coach

Guidelines: First five pages (double-spaced)

Genres:     children’s

# of Critiques: 5


Myles, Mytecia
Associate Literary Agent, Author Development & Publishing Consultant
Embolden Media Group

Guidelines: Up to 2500 words

Genres: Autobiography, Biography, Academic: Essays, Case Studies, Monographs, Digital Media/Journalism, Strategic Media 
Beauty, Natural Health, and Wellness
Business, Entrepreneurship, Career, and Leadership 
Christian Lifestyle, Faith, Spiritual Growth, Prayer & Intercession, Spiritual Gifts, Healing, Meditation, Mindfulness Creative Nonfiction Memoir: Written BIPOC (black, indigenous, and other people of color), Narrative Nonfiction, Religion, Spirituality, Relationships, Self- Help/Personal Growth 
Women's Issues, Inspiration, and True Stories Written by Women 

# of Critiques: 5-10 total across genres including fiction below


Neumair, Karen
Chief Operating Officer and Senior Literary Agent 

Guidelines: Up to 12 pages

Genres: Nonfiction: Children or Adult

# of Critiques: 5


Pennington, Ava
Author, Bible Teacher, Writing Coach, Freelance Editor, WHAC Team

Guidelines: Max 6 pages

Genre: Nonfction – Devotionals, Bible Studies, Christian Living, Anthology Subnmissions

# of Critiques: 5 total across categories


Pieper, Marti
Senior Editor, Charisma Media
Author, Collaborative Writer, Editor, WHAC Team

Guidelines: 12 pages, double-spaced

Genre: Nonfiction, Articles or Books, Memoir, Christian Living

# of Critiques: 4 or 5


Porter, Karen
Co-Owner, Bold Vision Books
International Retreat and Seminar Speaker
Speaking and Writing Coach, Author

Guidelines: 5 pages

Genres: Nonfiction, Articles

# of Critiques: 5 total (including fiction below)


Riter, Tim
Author, Pastor, Speaker, Teacher

Guidelines: 10 pages, 1” margin, double-spaced

Genres: nonfiction

# of Critiques: 4


Ruesch, Bob

Author, Speaker, Chaplain, Humorist

Guidelines: 12 pages

Genres: nonfiction, personal biography

# of Critiques: 4


Shepherd, Linda
Award-winning, Best-selling Author
Publisher, Leading Hearts Magazine
CEO, Advanced Writers & Speakers Assc. (AWSA)
Founder, Arise Esther Movement  

Guidelines: 5 pages

Genres: Nonfiction: Women’s Issues

# of Critiques: 2


Sluka, David

Guidelines:  500 words (could be two devotions @ 250 words each)

Genres: Devotional writing

# of Critiques 8- 10

Watkins, Jim
Editor, Family & Friends Micro-Publishing

Guidelines: 12 pages

Genre: Nonfiction, Christian Living, Devotionals, Bible Studies, Theology

# of Critiques: 10 


Whiting, Karen
Certified Writing/Marketing Coach, AWSA
Author, Speaker
Guidelines: 10 pages

Genre: NonfictionBook Proposals including marketing section 
Nonfiction Articles: full length

# of Critiques: 10



Carpenter, Larry

Chairman and CEO, Christian Book Services, LLC
Carpenter’s Son Publishing, Clovercroft Publishing
Sports Publishing Group

Guidelines: a chapter

Genre: any fiction genre

# of Critiques: no limit


Chynoweth, Michele
Award-Winning Author, Speaker, Book Coach

Guidelines: 12 pages

Genre: YA or Adult

# of Critiques: 5

Crabtree, Shane
COO, Christian Book Service LLC

Guidelines: 12 pages

Genre: any fiction

# of Critiques: unlimited


Daly, Jane
Acquisitions Editor, Elk Lake Publishing

Guidelines: 12 pages

Genre: Women’s Contemporary Fiction

# of Critiques: 4


Dorshorn, Vicki
Author, Scriptwriter

Guidelines: Send one-sheet with title, logline, premise, genre, short summary (including the resolution), and the first 12 pages in script format.

Genre: Screenplays

# of Critiques: 12


Glaz, Linda
Owner, Agent, Linda S. Glaz Literary Agency

Guidelines: 10 pages

Genre: Historic, Historical romance, Suspense, Romantic Suspense

# of Critiques: 4


Myles, Myltecia
Associate Literary Agent, Author Development & Publishing Consultant
Embolden Media Group

Guidelines: Max 2,500 words

Genre: Biographical, Fiction Historical, Fiction Travel/Destination-Centric 

# of Critiques: 5-10 including nonfiction critiques above


Porter, Karen
Co-Owner, Bold Vision Books
International Retreat and Seminar Speaker
Speaking and Writing Coach, Author

Guidelines: 5 pages

Genre: Fiction

# of Critiques: 5 total including nonfiction above


Stephens, Dawn        FULL
Acquisitions Editor and Marketing Coach
EABooks Publishing

Guidelines: 10-12 pages

Genre: Children’s books or stories

# of Critiques: 3