Contest 2022

Who may enter the writing contest?

More than a contest, this is an opportunity to prayerfully consider our conference theme, "Write His Answer"— not just how He is calling you to “write His answer” but also what you have found to be His answer in the struggles you have faced as you have sought to “live His answer.”

In 500-800 words or a 12-30 line poem, share how God is speaking to you. Poetry and prose by published and not-yet-published writers will be judged separately. Only registered conferees may enter. The $10 entry fee (for each submission) may be sent when you register or with your entry.

We tell the judges to consider the theme of the conference - Write His Answer - when they are reading the entries. So they tend to set aside those that say nothing about the writing life and/or how the author is writing and living His answer.

In submitting your entry you are offering the conference one-time rights to publish your entry in a future devotional book (no date yet determined). Contributors will receive one free copy of the book when it is published and a discount on purchasing additional copies. Profits will go to the scholarship fund. You may submit your manuscript elsewhere (before or after the conference) as long as you do not sell all rights.

Email your entry or entries as an attachment in an email to Debbie Hardy at In the subject line put “CCWC Contest.”  In the body of your email type your name, address, the title of your entry, and whether you are published or not-yet-published. Your entry (without your name) needs to be attached to your email.  Deadline for submission is August 7.

The first place winner in each of the four categories will be announced at the conference and will receive a certificate suitable for framing in addition to 50% off their registration fee for next year’s Colorado conference Important note: 


Contest entry fees help support future Write His Answer conference scholarships.


We’re excited to see how God is calling you to write His answer!

50% off his/her May 15-18, 2024, registration fee for the in-person Colorado Christian Writers Confrence.

Candy Abbott GPCWC Contest Winner

Candy Abbott, former GPCWC Writer of the Year (left)
with Marlene Bagnull, Conference Director