Faculty Notes 2019

A portion of my May 8, 2019, email in case you haven’t seen it:

Hi faculty –

We’re working hard to pull together the final details and be ready for what I’m choosing to believe will be our most powerful conference yet despite the numbers that are still running around 40 behind last year at this time.

I’m encouraged by an email from Lynne Babbitt:

I'm not a big "God told me..." person, but for some reason I just feel strongly excited that God wants to do something in CO, not just in spite of lower numbers, but BECAUSE of them. . . .  I'm not sure why, but I truly believe we'll one day know something that came out of this conference that is a totally special, God-ordained result. The enemy wouldn't be working so hard to bring you down if there wasn't something big hanging in the balance.

Intimate times of connection, encouragement and ministry can happen when just two or three are gathered together. And just maybe they would not have happened if it were 20 or 30 in that room. We just don't know. . . .

Praying for every precious person there and each God-ordained moment to happen unhindered and bring forth great fruit. 


May 10, 2019 Counts

The first number is the number signed up for the workshop. This will likely change since not everyone has told us what they plan to take and faculty are welcome to slip into workshops between appointments. For those of you who only have several in your workshop, I am NOT cancelling anything. Let’s trust the Lord is at work.

Wednesday, May 15           

1:00 – 4:00 Learning Labs

6    1 - Scrivener from Zero to Sixty - Debbie Allen    
8    2 - Practice Your Pitch and Develop a Unique Marketing Plan - Karen Whiting    
2    3 - Creating Credible and Motivate Characters - Darcie Gudger    
12  4 - Devotionals and Other Nonfiction Books: From Passion to Process - Ava Pennington    
7    5 - Writer, Thou Art Loosed - Beatrice Bruno    

1:00 – 2:00 Workshops
16  6 - Balancing Privacy & Relationships When Writing Real Life Events - Cindy Lambert    
3    7 - Write Devotionals and Get Published - Debbie Hardy    
      Cancelled   8 - Your Senior Years: The Write Time - Catherine Lawton (unable to be with us 5/15)  
3    9 - Weaving in a Biblical Worldview without Preaching - Marjorie Vawter    
3 10 - So, You Have Been Indy Published for a Year … - Roy Hanschke & Bob Ruesch    

2:15 – 3:15 Make the Most of CCWC – Eric Sprinkle

3:30 – 4:30 Workshops
3   10 - So, You Have Been Indy Published for a Year … - Roy Hanschke & Bob Ruesch   
5   11 - Solving Plot Problems- Dave Lambert    
6   12 - It Takes a Team - Chris Richards    
9   13 - Email Marketing - Patricia Durgin    

4:45 – 5:45 Workshops
6   14 - The Literature of Personal Disaster - Sherri Langton    
21 15 - Crafting a Winning Nonfiction Book Proposal - Cindy Lambert    
8   16 - Practical Productivity: 10 Ways to Write More, Write Better and Quash Your Inner Editor - Debbie Allen    
4   17 - The Heart of a Writer - Susan Baganz    
9   18 - Starting Strong - Jim Hart    

Continuing Sessions, May 16 – 18

24   1 - Fiction Writing: Keys for Unforgettable Storytelling with Bill Myers    
13   2 - Speaking and Writing — A Beautiful Relationship with Lynne Babbitt    
10   3 - Making it Look Easy: Achieving Excellent Style in any Genre with Susan King    
7     4 - Reaching Youth through Fiction with Tim Shoemaker    
11   5 - You can Indie Publish & Market Your Book with Sarah Bolme    
20   6 - Reach the World with Your Message with Linda Evans Shephard    
28   7 - How to Take Your Nonfiction Book from Good to Great with Michael J. Klassen & Karen Bouchard
11   8 - You CAN Build Your Platform with W. Terry Whalin   



How to read: 
Top row (yellow numbers) = workshop period
Far right column (yellow letters) = workshop track

So 4C (15) is Barb Haley’s, “Using Fiction Techniques 


Important: Please review the info below, espcially the Arrival Information.

Father, please grant traveling mercies to everyone!



Pre-Conference Timeline





Return Appointment Availability form and Editorial Needs, Interest in Representing, or Areas of Expertise form to Barb Haley (haleybarb@yahoo.com).


If you prefer to stay in a cabin with your family, make your reservation with the YMCA at https://ymcarockies.org. If CCWC is covering your lodging, we will reimburse you $90 a night toward the cost of renting a cabin.

March 22

Return completed contract to Marlene at mbagnull@aol.com

April 15

Return Book Order/Consignment/Donation form to Marlene including titles you will recommend to your class.

April 15

Flight booked to Denver and itinerary emailed to Marlene. Please carefully read the info below on arrival/departure times and the procedure for booking flights.

April 15

Email handouts to Chris Richards at passingthequill@gmail.com

May 1

Mail free-lit, give-away books, and product for sale on our conference book table to the YMCA Estes Park Center, Conference Center Office, ATTN: Writers Conference, 2515 Tunnel Road, Estes Park, CO  80511-2550. Click here for consignment form. We need to receive by Friday May 10.

May 6

Expect to receive mss for your paid critiques (if any).

May 10

Expect to receive an approximate count of the number in your workshop.

May 10

If you’re flying and need a ride from the airport, you should hear from your driver today or tomorrow.

May 15

You are welcome to attend one or more Wednesday afternoon Early Bird Workshops. Faculty dinner in the Pine Room at 5:45.



IMPORTANT – Please be sure to at least skim the following info. You’ll enjoy the conference more if you know what to expect.

Travel Details

First of all …
First a huge thank you to those who are covering their own travel. With the size of our faculty, that really is a great help. 

Driving - Click on Travel for directions.

Booking Your Flight
If you are booking your flight, please note the recommended flight arrival and departure times below. It is wise to run your itinerary by me before your book so I can confirm the availability of a ride from/to the airport at the time you are arriving at DIA and departing the YMCA.

If CCWC is paying for all or a portion of your flight, please email flight info and the price to me before you finalize the booking and let me know if you need to be reimbursed before the conference. Or I’ll be glad to book your flight, after first clearing the itinerary with you. You’ll need to email me your name as it appears on your driver’s license, birth date, phone # when traveling, and your preferred time/day of travel as well as the airport you fly out of. For pricey flights I try and use my frequent flyer miles. I prefer Southwest with their two free checked bags policy. If Southwest is not available, the conference will cover the cost of one checked bag if needed. I’ve found the lowest fares can usually be booked Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday or right after midnight.

Flight Arrivals
Travel time from Denver Int'l Airport (DIA) to the YMCA is approximately 90 minutes. In order to get checked into your room at the Y and arrive in time for the 5:45 faculty dinner, I recommend you choose a flight that arrives no later than 3:00 on Wednesday, May 15 unless, of course, you are teaching Wednesday afternoon.

Rides from DIA
We will provide transportation from the airport. Your driver will be in touch with you prior to the conference. We avoid putting the faculty on the Estes Park Shuttle because of the cost and longer travel time. It also doesn’t seem as welcoming!

Renting a Car at Your Expense (CCWC cannot reimburse)
Let me know, please, if another faculty member can ride with you if your flight times coincide.

Saturday Flight Departures
You are welcome to depart on Saturday if needed. We prefer, however, that you book an evening flight. The last continuing session ends at 2:30 and the last workshop or clinic at 3:45. Following that are the awards, Beatrice Bruno’s keynote, and time of commitment. The conference ends at approximatley 5:30 pm. You need to allow at least 90 minutes travel time from the YMCA to the airport (longer on the shuttle) plus at least 90 minutes for check-in. We are typically able to find drivers late Saturday afternoon and evening. If you need to catch an earlier flight, please note the Estes Park Shuttle pick up times at the YMCA (in case we cannot find a driver) are 5:00, 7:00 or 10:00 am and 1:00, 4:00 or 7:00 pm. Also note that once a shuttle reservation has been made, it is nonrefundable.

Sunday Flight Departures
Please do not book your return flight earlier than 9:00 am and then only if you’re willing to get up in the wee hours to depart on the 5:00 am shuttle. The next shuttle is at 7:00 am for a flight 11:00 am or later. We’re more likely to be able to find a driver for flights that depart at 11:00 am or later. If you want to go on the tour of Rocky Mountain National Park on Sunday, we will arrange to have you back at the Y for the 1:00 pm shuttle or whenever your driver is leaving for the airport. It is wise to allow four hours between leaving the YMCA and your flight departure.


YMCA Estes Park Center Campus

Campus map – click here and scroll down.

Administration Building
There is a flag in front of the building and a porch around the front. There is a side entrance with no stairs. You will pick up your room key at the front desk. There is also a snack bar, lounge area, and gift shop here.

Ruesch Auditorium
This is the largest building on campus—just up the sidewalk from the Administration Building with a wrap-around-deck on the auditorium level. There is an elevator available through the door left of the Aspen Dining Hall.

        —East Foyer is nearest the Administration Building.
        —West Foyer is nearest the lodging in Alpen or Longs Peak.

Aspen Dining Hall
This is located beneath the Ruesch Auditorium. Unlike other conferences, we are not able to reserve tables because there are other groups on campus.

Pine Room
Located across the walkway from the east foyer of the Ruesch. The faculty and staff will have dinner here Wednesday night.


Arrival Information

What to Pack
Bring comfortable shoes and clothes you can wear in layers. Although we’re anticipating springtime weather (average high 61; average low 34), it may drop to freezing in the evenings. And if you were with us during the blizzard of 2017 when we had 42 inches, you know it could snow! Jeans are fine - really! And men - please NO suits or ties! We’re here to learn from one another and to seek the Lord in a retreat setting.

When You Arrive
If you are lodging in Long’s Peak or Aspen, you will pick up your key and meal ticket at the large counter in the main lobby of the Administration Building. Although the YMCA states 6:00 pm as the time rooms are available, typically they have been able to let us into our rooms by mid-afternoon. If your room is not yet available, you have several options:

   1.  Relax in Administration Building with café,comfortable seating, and Wi-Fi.

   2.  Join us in the Ruesch to help with set-up. 

   3.  Eat lunch in Aspen Dining Hall. Hours are 11:30 – 1:30. Request that your name be added to the conference list at the cash register. Or pay for lunch and I will reimburse you when I send your honorarium after the conference.

   4.  Attend Wednesday afternoon early bird workshops at no charge. We’ve got exciting choices!

Managing Your Luggage
If you do not have a car to get your luggage from the Administration Building to your room, call Eric ( 719-322-6992).

Checking In
At your convenience, pick up your conference packet, nametag, and appointment schedule from the Appointment Desk located in the east foyer of the Ruesch. We will hopefully have everything ready for you by early afternoon on Wednesday.

Adjusting to the Altitude
The YMCA of the Rockies is located at an elevation of 8,010 feet above sea level. Altitude sickness can affect everyone, no matter what age or level of fitness.

Nearly everyone who visits from lower elevations will notice shortness of breath. Some may also experience fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and nausea. I have found that DRINKING LOTS OF WATER makes all the difference. The YMCA also recommends that we eat lightly, avoid caffeine, get plenty of rest (right!), and keep exertion to a minimum.

Stainless steel, BPA free sports bottles with the Write His Answer logo will be available for a donation to CCWC’s sorely in need of donations scholarship fund.

Connecting with the Outside World
Cell phones cannot always get a signal because of the surrounding mountains. Therefore, give your family and office the Y’s main number: 970-586-3341 and have them request the operator connect them with your room where they can leave a message. You can also give them x1164 (book table located in the East Lobby of the Ruesch) and we’ll take a message.

Long distance calls may be made from the phone in your room if your cell phone is not working, but please pay for your calls when you check out. The Y operator recommends AT&T phone cards as the most reasonable alternative for long distance calls.

Wi-Fi is available in both Alpen and Long’s Peak as well as the Administration Building and the Ruesch Auditorium that serves as the conference hub.

Faculty Dinner
Please go to the Pine Room (IMPORTANT – changed to WALNUT ROOM – one building down, toward the Admin Building) by 5:45 Wednesday evening. We will begin promptly at 6:00pm as our evening session starts at 7:45pm. 



Long’s Peak & Alpen Inn
CCWC houses faculty two to a room in Long’s Peak or Alpen Inn. Alpen is closer to the Ruesch Auditorium (where all the keynotes, appointments, panels, and 4 of the workshops are held) and the Aspen Dining Hall that is directly beneath the Ruesch Auditorium. Alpen’s rooms are large with two queen beds, a sofabed, and full bath. There are no elevators, so if you need to avoid stairs please let me know so I put you in a room on the first floor. Long’s Peak is a newer lodge and has elevators, two queen beds, and a full bath. Half of the workshops will be held there. The walk between Long’s Peak and the Ruesch is not long or as steep as the hills at Mt. Hermon, but remember the YMCA is at 8010 feet above sea level! 

Roommates or Upgrade to a Single
Please let me know your roommate preference (it helps if you give me a couple of choices) on your contract that is coming soon via email or I will choose for you.  If you prefer a single, you may upgrade at your expense for $45 Wednesday or Thursday night. Friday and Saturday night the cost to upgrade to a single is $62 (plus 5.7% sales tax). I will book your room, and the YMCA will have an invoice with the additional cost waiting for you when you arrive.

Bringing Family
Because meals are included with lodging (dinner day or arrival through lunch day of departure), the Y charges for each person in the room. The cost to bring your spouse is $86.50 a night for Wednesday and Thursday nights, $104 a night for Friday and Saturday night plus 5.7% sales tax. Children, ages 6-12, are $23 a night. Your family is welcome to attend all or part of the conference at no charge. If you have a teen 12-18, he or she is welcome to come to Saturday’s Teens Write again at no charge. To avoid confusion and possible double-booking, let me know if you are bringing family so I can book the room. You can pay the YMCA for your family’s portion of the bill when you arrive.

Rooming with a Friend
If you’d prefer to room with a friend rather than a faculty member, please note their name and nights on the contract. To avoid double-booking, I will book the room and add your friend’s name. They will receive an invoice from the YMCA when they arrive. Cost is $86.50 a night for Wednesday and Thursday night, $104 a night for Friday and Saturday night, plus 5.7% sales tax.

Should you choose to rent a cabin, contact the YMCA as soon as possible. CCWC will cover $90 a night of the cost of a cabin. Meals are NOT included with cabin rental and are at your own expense. (Let me know what meals you want to eat in the dining hall and I’ll order tickets to save you the $1 additional walk-in cost. Breakfast $9.50, Lunch $11.50, Dinner $14.50) When reserving a cabin, please let the Y know that you are with the writers’ conference. Info on cabin rentals is on the YMCA website –http://ymcarockies.org

Extended Stay
You’re welcome to arrive before Wednesday and stay beyond the 10:00 am Sunday check-out at your own expense. Fly-ins typically stay over Saturday night at CCWC’s expense. Drive-in’s within several hours of home typically leave at the end of the conference Saturday at 5:30 although you’re welcome to stay Saturday night at your expense.

The Aspen Dining Hall is below the Ruesch Auditorium. The meal ticket you’ll receive from the YMCA (if you’re staying in a lodge) begins with dinner the day of your arrival and goes through noon the day of your departure. If you arrive in time for lunch, please give your name and the conference name to the person at the register in the dining hall. Depending who is on duty, that may get you in. smiley If not, you’ll need to pay for your meal, but put the cost on your expense form and I’ll reimburse you. Lunch is served from 11:30 to 1:30 pm; dinner from 5:00 to 7:30 pm; and breakfast from 7:00 to 9:00 am. Because other groups are using the Y, we are unable to reserve tables. The Aspen Dining Hall has been enlarged and renovated. The Y has also added more serving lines. They really do an incredible job handling a huge number of people. Gluten free items are labeled. If you have other dietary needs, please note it on your contract.


Recreational Opportunities

Swimming Pool – The Y has a great pool. I hope to again make time to use it this year although that probably won’t happen until after the conference! 

Hayride and Chuck Wagon Dinner on Saturday - I guarantee you’ve never had a better hot dog and baked beans anywhere! (Okay, I know not everyone gets excited about hot dogs and baked beans, but these really are great.) We’ve reserved a wagon (drawn by magnificent horses) with real hay. (I know “real hay” isn’t a plus for some of you, so you can follow in a car if you are allergic to hay.) Cost is $28 if you’re staying Saturday night in one of the YMCA lodges. Otherwise the cost is $34. Please sign up and pay at the registration desk in the west lobby of the Ruesch. (I’d love to be able to cover the cost for all the faculty and staff, but it’s just not in the budget!) 

Special Needs

Audio-visual Needs
PowerPoint is available in the auditorium for keynotes and the Ruesch classrooms at no additional charge to the conference. Since only half of the classrooms are in the Ruesch and it costs to rent projectors for the Long’s Peak classrooms, it is important I know your needs.

If you are bringing your own projector and are willing to share it when you are not using it, please note this on the contract.

Classrooms in the Ruesch have whiteboards. Classrooms in Long’s Peak do not, but I can pay a daily rental fee if flip charts are needed. Again, please let me know what you need!

Dietary Needs
The Y serves a wide variety of food cafeteria style and labels gluten free choices. If you have special dietary needs, please let me know on your contract. The Y is very accommodating.

If steps will be a challenge in the 8,010 feet altitude, please let me know.

Other Needs
If you need a ride or anything else, just ask. The staff is here to facilitate your ministry.

Other Information

Permission to Record
CDs of keynotes, continuing sessions, workshops, and panels will be recorded and hopefully available for purchase at the conference. You will receive one free CD of each session or workshop you teach. 

CDs will carry a copyright notice in your name and will be professionally produced. If there is any reason why you do not want to be recorded, please check “denied” on the contract.

In order to expand the conference’s ministry and recoup the cost of recording, CCWC and the company that will record the conference reserves the right to make and sell CDs (and hopefully MP3s) of your session(s) and workshop(s) after the conference. All other rights belong to you.

Your Conference Role(s)
Click on “Program” to find out what I’ve scheduled you to teach. I’ll also note this on your contract. More info about the continuing sessions, workshops, panels, paid critiques, and one-on-ones is below. Please keep reading!

Handouts – We’ve gone GREEN! Conferees really appreciate handouts. Email your handouts to Chris Richards at passingthequill@gmail.com by April 15. She will post them to http://colorado.writehisanswer.com/handouts2019. Only conferees, faculty, and people purchasing CDs post conference will be given the URL.


Please view as a PRIORITY! Come ready to focus on the Lord and hear from Him through our keynote speakers. They are in Ruesch Auditorium and the only time I can make needed announcements. Attendance is much appreciated. You may slip out of the evening sessions if you get too tired, but please come for at least the beginning of the evening sessions.


Continuing Sessions & Workshops

You are here not just to give but also to receive. Father, please see to it that every faculty member is blessed spiritually and professionally. If you have appointment times that are not filled, you do not need to sit in the auditorium in case someone comes. Instead, please feel free to slip into a workshop or continuing session. Let Ava Pennington or Margie Vawter at the Appointment Desk in the East Lobby of the Ruesch know where you will be. The same as the conferees, you can slip in and out of sessions.

Wednesday Early Bird Workshops
Feel free to attend at no charge.

Workshops: Thursday - Saturday
These last 60 minutes. Please repeat any questions for listeners in CD land.

Please be considerate. End on time and clear the classroom for the next instructor.

Continuing Sessions
These meet five times throughout the conference.

TH: 10:15-11:45 and 4:45-5:45
FR: 10:45-11:45 and 4:45-5:45
SA: 1:00 – 2:30

Please use last 15 min for Q&A on longer sessions. CD’s only last 75 minutes.


TH 1:15 – 2:00            Agents Panel
                                    Going Indie Panel – plan to be part of this panel if you indie published or provide services to indie authors.

FR 9:45 – 10:30          Book Editors / Agents Panel
                                    Magazine Editors Panel

FR 1:15-2:00               Writers’ Helps
                                     If you have a resource or offer a service for writers, please note on your contract and plan to join this panel.

SA 9:45 – 10:30          Book Editors / Agents Panel
                                    Magazine Editors Panel


One-on-Ones with Conferees

For more information about how our appointment system works, click on Appointments. Many conferees consider this the most important part of the conference. They leave a workshop or continuing session to meet with you. Please do not disappoint them by being late for their appointments. And please sandwich constructive criticism between positive encouragement, but be careful not to give false encouragement.

An important note to editors and agents
We are all pressed for time, but if you take a manuscript with you or request that it be sent to you, please try your best to get a response to the conferee in at least three months. If your policy is that no answer within three months means you’re not interested, please make that clear to the conferee at the conference.

Father, please give us all much wisdom to know how You would have us respond to the conferees we meet with.
And please help them to hear what we’re saying; not what they want to hear. Give them teachable spirits and give us sensitive hearts.


A written critique is not expected, but conferees appreciate notes jotted directly on the manuscript.

Conference Book Table

You are welcome to consign books, CDs, and other special products for sale at our book table. We charge a 20% consignment fee on items sold.

If you are shipping, click here for a consignment form. Use this form to let me know by April 15 if you are shipping or bringing your product.

Ship product to arrive by May 10 to:
YMCA Estes Park Center
Conference Center Office
ATTN: Writers Conference Books
2515 Tunnel Road
Estes Park, CO 80511-2550

All items need to be priced—individually. You may list your titles, quantity, and price on this form or include your own form in the box. If you are bringing your product with you, it will save time at check-in if you have the consignment form completed. Please do not offer buy 1 get 1 free or half price. That makes it difficult to track what we owe you.

How many books should you bring or ship? While we sell a huge number of books, there is no way of knowing how many copies of specific titles will sell. Typically the biggest sellers are writing how-to books and books by our keynoters and continuing session teachers.

Give-aways – We're delighted to have books you've authored or your house has published as give-aways. If shipping (to the above address), please clearly note titles that are for give-away.

We are glad to obtain your books directly from your publisher and apply the sales profit to conference expenses if you prefer. (Thank you!) Please include titles and publishers on the Book Consignment/Order/Donation form

Please help us make this year’s book table the best yet by including a list of titles you will recommend to your class. Book sales not only help us meet our budget, they provide continued learning after the conference.

Show & Tell - Please visit our tables and pick up several books for “show-and-tell” to recommend to your class. I guarantee you’ll find some new-to-you titles that I hope you’ll be tempted to purchase. Everything is discounted!

Free Lit - Our conferees appreciate free copies of your magazine or book catalog as well as your guidelines for writers and list of upcoming themes, if any. We are unable to make copies. If you have flyers for resources for writers or info about a ministry you are a part of that you'd like to add to the free lit table, we'd be glad to have it too.

Author’s Night and book signing Friday evening - I’m excited about our plans for something new this evening. Dick Bruso and Eric Sprinkle will interview our authors. You are welcome to participate, but please limit what you share in your interview to your latest release to give time for our conferees. The goal of the evening is to give glory to God and encourage those sitting in the audience who wonder if they will ever be published. And oh, no long line this year. Dick and Eric will call authors up in groups.

Before Leaving the Conference …

Expense Form
This form will be in the packet you’ll receive when you arrive. Please fill it out completely rather than depend on me to remember what you’ve taught or need reimbursed. And please include your address. If you earn more than $600 (either at CCWC or combined with GPCWC if you’re also teaching there), you must include your Social Security number. I probably won’t begin writing checks for a week or two after I get home on May 22. if you need your check expedited, please note this on your form. 

Evaluation Form 
Please take a few minutes to complete this or email your comments to me after you get home. But don’t wait until the conference is a distant memory! Your feedback is needed and appreciated.

Unconsigning Books
Pick up your consignment form from the Book Table. Collect your unsold books. Enter pertinent information on consignment form. Sign it and return it to the Book Table. If needed, we will ship your books home and deduct the cost from your payment.

CD(s) of Your Workshop or Continuing Session
Please pick up your free CD(s) before you leave.


How to Reach Us

Marlene   484-991-8581 (home)
267-436-2503  (cell) 
Note: Please use my cell only from May 13-21.

Registrar / Appointment Coordinator
Barb Haley – haleybarb@yahoo.com

Chris & Roy Richards 

Appointment Desk Captain
Ava Pennington – ava@avawrites.com

On Campus Transportation
Eric Sprinkle  719-322-6992

Conference Office, East Lobby Ruesch Auditorium
(beginning Monday around 4:00 pm)
970-586-3341 x 1164


Father, thank You, in advance, for all You’re going to do in this year’s conference.
I especially pray that you will bless each faculty and staff member
in special and unexpected ways.