Paid Critiques 2022



Are you looking for One-on-One Help with your WIP but don’t want to spend a fortune?

Take advantage of our Paid Critique opportunity! In a 20-minute phone call or FaceTime or Zoom after the conference, a faculty member of your choice will:

ALL THIS for only $40 paid directly to the critiquer!


A word from our Appointments Coordinator, Barbie Haley:

I don’t think I’ve ever learned as much as I have from professional edits of my work.

Folks spend thousands of dollars to earn a college degree.

What are you willing to spend to become an expert writer?

Dig deep. Sign up for a paid critique. Learn from the best! 

Here’s how it works . . .

It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to contact the faculty member of your choice using their email address provided below.

Dear ______. I am interested in having you do a paid critique. I understand we will meet after the conference ends via phone (call or FaceTime) or ZOOM. Please let me know whether or not you still have an opening. If you do, I will then send you a submission according to the guidelines listed on I look forward to working with you. Thanks for your time and attention.

Guidelines for Paid Critique Submissions:


Scroll down to find contact information for your paid critique. 

 ALL submissions must be: 12pt font, double-spaced, & 1” margins. Send as doc. or docx. 


NOTE: We will be adding to the list in the next week or so. Be sure to check back!



Belk, Twila

The Gotta Tell Somebody Gal &
The Writer’s Champion
Gotta Tell Somebody, Inc.
Author, Editor, Speaker 



Guidelines: Up to 10 Pages

Genres: Devotionals (up to 3), Nonfiction books, Proposals

# of Critiques: 12 total across genres


Fessenden, Dave

Editorial Coordinator, CLC Publications 
Literary Agent, WordWise Media Services



Guidelines: Max 12 pages

Genres: Nonfiction, Christian Living, Devotionals, Bible Studies, Theology

# of Critiques: total 4


Klassen, Michael

President, Illumify Media
Author, Ghostwriter



Guidelines: Max 12 pages

Genres: Christian Nonfiction—especially memoirs, Theology, Devotionals

# of Critiques: Total 10


Myles, Mytecia

Associate Literary Agent, Author Development & Publishing Consultant
Embolden Media Group



Guidelines: Up to 2500 words


Autobiography, Biography, Academic: Essays, Case Studies, Monographs, Digital Media/Journalism, Strategic Media 

Beauty, Natural Health, and Wellness
Business, Entrepreneurship, Career, and Leadership 

Christian Lifestyle, Faith, Spiritual Growth, Prayer & Intercession, Spiritual Gifts, Healing, Meditation, Mindfulness Creative Nonfiction Memoir: Written BIPOC (black, indigenous, and other people of color), Narrative Nonfiction Religion, Spirituality, Relationships, Self- Help/Personal Growth 

Women's Issues, Inspiration, and True Stories Written By Women 

# of Critiques: 5-10 total across genres


Neumair, Karen

Chief Operating Officer and Senior Literary Agent 



Guidelines: Up to 12 pages

Genres: Nonfiction: Children or Adult

# of Critiques: 5


Pennington, Ava

Author, Bible Teacher,Writing Coach, Freelance Editor



Guidelines: Max 6 pages

Genre: Nonfiction: Devotionals, Bible Studies, Christian Living, Anthology Subnmissions

# of Critiques: 5 total across categories


Porter, Karen

Co-Owner, Bold Vision Books
International Retreat and Seminar Speaker
Speaking and Writing Coach, Author



Guidelines: 5 pages

Genres: Nonfiction, Articles

# of Critiques: 5 total 


Shepherd, Linda

Publisher, Leading Hearts Magazine
CEO, Advanced Writers & Speakers Assc. (AWSA)
Founder, Arise Esther Movement  



Guidelines: 5 pages

Genres: Nonfiction: Women’s Issues

# of Critiques: 2


Watkins, Jim

Editor, Family & Friends Micro-Publishing



Guidelines: 12 pages

Genre: Nonfiction, Christian Living, Devotionals, Bible Studies, Theology

# of Critiques: 12 


Whiting, Karen

Certified Writing/Marketing Coach, AWSA
Author, Speaker



Guidelines: 10 pages

Genre: Nonfiction Proposals, Tweens 
             Nonfiction Articles: full length

# of Critiques: 10


NOTE: We will be adding to the list in the next week or so. Be sure to check back!



Daly, Jane

Acquisitions Editor, Elk Lake Publishing



Guidelines: 12 pages

Genre: Women’s Contemporary Fiction

# of Critiques: 4


Dorshorn, Vicki

Author, Scriptwriter



Guidelines: Send One-sheet with title, logline, premise, genre, short summary (including the resolution), and the first 12 pages in script format.

Genre: Screenplays

# of Critiques: 12


Myles, Myltecia

Associate Literary Agent, Author Development & Publishing Consultant
Embolden Media Group



Guidelines: Max 2500 words

Genre: Biographical, Fiction Historical, Fiction Travel/Destination-Centric 

# of Critiques: 5


Porter, Karen

Co-Owner, Bold Vision Books
International Retreat and Seminar Speaker
Speaking and Writing Coach, Author



Guidelines: 5 pages

Genre: Fiction

# of Critiques: 5