Program 2022

Linda Turner, who attended our 2021 virtual conference says:

Having a wonderful time.
Loved BJ Taylor's Writing (and selling) Personal Experience Stories.
It was thorough, knowledgeable, and spot-on.
I loved that she sprinkled her information with hope and humor.
The keynotes were exceptional. Great challenge to impact our culture
and I look forward to experiencing that continuing session later online.
Wonderful worship. Bless you, Lee Curtis Higgs; this morning was tremendous.
Everyone is so helpful and encouraging.
Marlene, your book got me started writing His glory years ago. 
Yes, I have missed the hugs and "accidental meetings"
but am thankful it is virtual this year.
God is good and made a way for me. Thank you everyone.

Be sure to click on the links in this dropdown menu!

So much “goodness” as team member Eric Sprinkle says!

While we won’t be in person in the Colorado Rockies this year
everything is LIVE with over 100 hours of videos 
available to view for THREE MONTHS after the conference
at NO additional charge.