Welcome to Our August 26-28, 2021 VIRTUAL Conference
Please print this page. The URL if you need to refer back is:
Dear conferee –
I believe God has called you to this year’s CCWC. Whether you write
fiction or nonfiction,
articles or books or blogs,
personal experience stories or a book-length memoir,
poetry or prose . . .
and whether your audience is children or teens or adults,
“for such a time as this” it is critical that you “Write His Answer.”
I’m excited about how much more we can offer going virtual, plus you save the cost of travel, lodging, and meals. And new this year we’re offering FREE pre-conference webinars and Zoom meetings. (See the links below.) Be watching also for an email from Barb Haley, our registrar and appointments coordinator, with important info regarding your appointments. THe link to your appointment request form is https://colorado.writehisanswer.com/appreqform.
I want to encourage you to make time for the one-page Called to Write His Answer Bible study. Also click on Writers’ Helps at https://writehisanswer.com and visit the Write His Answer Bookstore. Books are sold at a discount (including the new 2021 Christian Writers Market Guide). Sales help cover conference expenses.
Important request: Would you please help spread the word about this year’s conference by liking our Facebook page and sharing the messages we post there? It is also a good place to get your questions answered and to connect with other conferees. We’d appreciate it if you would copy and paste the memes you’ll find at https://colorado.writehisanswer.com/spreadtheword.
Father, please use this year’s CCWC to draw us all closer to You and to equip us to serve You more effectively. Give us Your vision for our writing ministry, and encourage us to believe that You will use us to make a difference through the words we write and the lives we live.
Serving Christ -
Marlene Bagnull
Write His Answer Ministries
Blogging at https://writehisanswer.blog
Phone: 484-991-8581
P.S. Please note: The charge on your credit card statement should read Gr Ph & CO Chr Wr or a similar abbreviation. It stands for Greater Philadelphia & Colorado Christian Writers Conferences. Be sure to regularly check your e-mail for conference updates as well as the conference Facebook page and my blog.
Do you have a book to pitch to faculty and other conferees? You can even sign up to sell your book at the conference!
Friday evening, August 27, is focused on our authors! You will be invited to hold up a copy of your latest book and share why people need to read it. Eric Sprinkle will set the timer on his iPhone so be prepared with your answer. (See my blog post, “Why did you write this book?” at https://bit.ly/34Qc4eY ) You may even want to have a “cheat sheet.”
We are happy to make your book available for sale through our conference bookstore. Because of the work involved, we are limiting you to just one book. If you have more than one book in print, ask Father which one He wants you to make available.
For complete directions, click here. https://colorado.writehisanswer.com/sellyourbook
Free Pre-conference Webinars – only open to registered conferees
to help you prepare for your appointments. Be sure to submit your appointment request form by August 10.
Creating Your Nonfiction One Sheet Webinar
Beyond explaining what needs to be included on your nonfiction one sheet and why, I share some of my journey to publication that I trust will encourage you. Click here for link for sample one sheet.
This workshop is available free to charge to everyone (not just those registered for the conference) so I encourage you to share the link with your friends. You can access it at: https://youtu.be/RMCGbbq4BlQ
Wonderful Fiction One Sheet Webinar – Darcie Gudger
First impressions are everything. Like a resume for that dream job, your one sheet needs to leave a lasting impression on agents and editors who require them. Since expectations change like the weather, come learn how you can craft that unforgettable, colorful fiction one sheet. Click here for link to sample one sheet.
This workshop is also available now but only to registered conferees. Please do NOT share this link: https://youtu.be/Zl3GMbSUd6M
The Dreaded “E” Word - Edwina Perkins
Getting the words on the page is only the first step. Next, time to edit. The ability to self-edit is an important component to polishing your manuscript. Any writer who is serious about publication needs to work hard to learn how to self-edit. This workshop will introduce you to some basic—and not so basic—self-editing tips to help take your manuscript to the next level. Please do NOT share this link: https://bit.ly/2QZ6S5o
Build Your Amazon Author Page & More – Dianne E. Butts
Build your Amazon Author Page (must have at least one product on Amazon) and learn how Amazon’s Followers can market your books. Then build your Author Page on Amazon-owned Goodreads and learn tips to market your book there, too. BONUS: Discover a dozen+ FREE sites to make cool images with your book covers, 3D covers, trailers, Quote squares, and more to share on Social Media to market your books. https://youtu.be/5SXJcHDfKfo
Find Your Readers on Social Media – Rachel Schmoyer
Tik-tok. Instagram. Reels. Facebook. Clubhouse. Twitter. Pinterest. Social media is EVERYWHERE. Learn how to use the power of the Internet to your advantage as Rachel shares the latest developments as well as best practices. https://youtu.be/kRK4sAtSUgI
Going Indie – Marlene Bagnull
I know most writers want to be published traditionally. Realistically that isn’t going to happen for everyone and NOT because your work isn’t good enough. Sometimes it’s because your topic and the audience who will be interested is too limited. But that doesn’t mean your book isn’t needed. Sometimes you don’t yet have a large enough platform for a publisher to invest in your book. Christian publishing is a ministry but it is also a business.
“For such a time as this” God has provided the technology for us to get our work in print affordably but professionally. And if I can do it, you can too!
Seriously, I’m excited about the opportunity going indie provides to meet the needs of our readers. There are many advantages. Of course, there are also cautions.
I hope you will take 22 minutes to watch the video and that you will prayerfully consider attending the “Go Indie” continuing session. It’s likely to be more interactive than some of the other continuing sessions. Remember, you’re not locked into the choice you made, and all the videos will be available for two months after the conference. Here’s the link:https://bit.ly/3gaW4uA Password: Evja25k$
Recordings of Live Zoom Workshops
The Weight of the First Page – Linda Glaz
Learn to put POP! and action onto the first page of your work, in a manner that keeps a potential reader … well … reading.
Please do NOT share this link: https://youtu.be/cZZwce3ohf4?
Pitching to Industry Professionals – Linda Glaz
Learn how to construct the much-needed Pitch. Please do NOT share this link: https://youtu.be/XwQZkOwtju4
Zoom Meetings (will be recorded and open to everyone – not just registered conferees)
Preview of Tim Riter’s continuing session, Growing Your Craft to Increase Your Impact
Writing the Personal Experience Story – Marlene Bagnull
Marketing Plan – Dan Balow, literary agent
Writing Articles – How to Hook ’Em from the Get-Go; Hold ’Em to the End – Marlene Bagnull
Wednesday, August 11, 2 pm EST
Since You're Ready to Publish, Make Sure You Do It the Right Way!
Amy Deardon – Publisher, EBook Listing Services
Congratulations! You've finished your book manuscript and want to get it published. Now what? This mini-course reviews the positives and negatives of the three types of publishing (traditional, subsidy/hybrid, and self) and includes questions to help you determine your publishing preference. You'll learn the next few steps you need to take no matter which road you want to pursue, and common pitfalls that you'll be happier avoiding. Whether you want to find a literary agent and publisher, or you're ready to find contractors and/or prepare your book yourself, this ebook will point you in the right direction to move forward!
Meeting ID: 878 0414 7953
Passcode: 679834
Thursday, August 12, 6:30 pm EST
Encouragement for Debut Authors Trying to Enter the Publishing World
Miralee Ferrell – Publisher, Mountain Brook Ink; Best-selling Author
Meeting ID: 874 8321 0166
Passcode: 523012
Monday, August 16, Noon EST
Writing Your Past Into Your Fiction
Susan Baganz – Editor, Pelican Book Group; Author
Sometimes our deepest pains and hardships can become fodder for great stories God can use to help others. How can you do this while maintaining privacy and without drowning in memories of the past?
Meeting ID: 871 4520 8054
Passcode: 230049
Wednesday, August 18, Noon EST
Panster or Plotter?
Susan Baganz – Editor, Pelican Book Group; Author
Some people write by a strict process of outlining (Plotter) and others do it by the seat of their pants (Panster). How are YOU supposed to write your novel? Is there a method that works best? We’ll explore this continuum so you can write in the way that suits who God made you to be as a writer.
Meeting ID: 864 8059 0791
Passcode: 569561
More Zoom Meetings (will not be recorded and open only to registered conferees)
Developing a Great Nonfiction Pitch – Karen Whiting
Make the best pitch to not only grab an editor’s attention to help get a contract, but to start developing a marketing plan. Karen is the author of 27 traditionally published books. She will provide individual help to polish each person’s pitch. An effective pitch will, in 30 seconds:
Time: Tuesday, Aug 3, 2021 8:00 pm Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 830 3970 9658
Passcode: 523889
Time: Friday, Aug 6, 2021 3:00 pm Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 852 5426 9404
Passcode: 893996
Practice Your Fiction Pitch – Gayle Roper
So you only have a few minutes tops. What do you say to catch the ear of an editor, an agent--anybody? Let's work together on your pitch. Let's get the best first sentence you can devise, the best story arc you can present in the fewest words. If ever there's a time you need to prepare, it's now so you sound professional and your story sounds irresistible. Important: Bring a 50 word summmary and the first line of your pitch.
Go to zoom.us on SATURDAY, August 7.
Click on “Join a Meeting.” Enter meeting ID: 534 667 3098.
Password for 1:00 pm EST meeting: XvapOZ.
Password for 3:00 on EST meeting: 1WaRJZ
Plase plan to take advantage of all these FREE opportunities to be better prepared to meet with editors and agents at the conference.