Editors 2018


Faculty are available for free one-on-one 15-minute appointments! Be sure to complete and return your Appointment Request form that you will receive as soon as all the bios and editorial needs are added to this website. For your appointments to be booked in the order that you registered, your form must be received by April 15. That means early registrants do NOT need to rush. It is wise to wait until all the editorial needs are posted. All appointment requests must be received by April 30.

For more information on editorial needs, be sure to check the 2018 Christian Writer’s Market Guide available at a discount through our Write His Answer Bookstore. To help you prepare, I encourage you to also check out the other titles in our writers' bookstore. There is no shipping charge for orders over $35, and all the books are discounted. Book sales help us meet conference expenses.

Helpful Editorial Needs Chart
Click here for 5-page PDF
to discover names of all the editors interested
in what you are writing.
Then for more specific info, click the ink with each bio below.

Book Editors

Debbie Maxwell Allen
Debbie Maxwell Allen
Project Manager
Good Catch Publishing
Scrivener Expert

Debbie  writes young adult historical fantasy high in the Rocky Mountains, usually with two cats on her lap. A former teacher, and mom of five, she never runs out of inspiration. She teaches workshops for writers on how to use Scrivener software, offers freelance editing services to new and established writers, and works as a project manager for Good Catch Publishing (www.TestimonyBooks.com). In 2015 she published a true story of prayer and faith in Rwanda, Unlimited: Conquering On My Knees. Her first novel, The Undone, will be published in the fall of 2018.

Check out her blog of free resources for writers at http://writingwhilethericeboils.blogspot.com.

Early Bird Workshop – Customize Scrivener: Write Faster, Write Smarter
(Wednesday, E2, 1:00 – 4:00)
Advanced techniques for the motivated writer. In this workshop, writers already familiar with the basics of Scrivener will discover the many ways Scrivener can be configured for novels and nonfiction projects. Find out how to customize Scrivener to your particular needs and take advantage of little-known elements to make your writing life easier and more streamlined. Learn to plot your book with virtual index cards, how to manage scenes (and your own motivation) with the outliner, and how to fly through revisions with features few Scrivener users have discovered.

Thursday Nightowl – Critique session with Scoti Domeij and Shelley Ring. 

Workshop – Has Publication Become an Idol? (Friday, 4A)
God has given you the gift of words, but does that gift come with the sure promise of traditional publication? Join us as we discuss a host of unusual yet effective techniques to write His answer in ways that reach farther than a physical book.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

Susan BaganzSusan Baganz
Editor, Pelican Book Group

Susan chases after three Hobbits, and is a native of Wisconsin. She writes adventurous historical and contemporary romances with a biblical world-view. She also speaks, teaches, and encourages others to follow God in being all He has created them to be. With her seminary degree in counseling psychology, a background in the field of mental health, and years serving in church ministry, she understands the complexities and pain of life as well as its craziness. She serves behind-the-scenes in various capacities at her church as well as serving on the board of her local American Christian Fiction Writer’s (ACFW) chapter. Her favorite pastimes are lazy…snuggling with her dog while reading a good book, or sitting with a friend chatting over a cup of spiced chai latte.

Early Bird Workshop – The Care & Feeding of Editors with Chris Richards (Wednesday, E9)
Learn how to avoid common errors that cause many beginning authors to be rejected regardless of the quality of their work.

Workshop – Using Your Past in Your Fiction (Thursday, 1C)
Looks at how we can and do use our past experiences, pain, and unresolved emotional issues in our writing to provide healing and hope as well as a cathartic outlet for the author.

Workshop – The Heart of the Writer (Friday, 3A)
How can we nurture our relationship with God as we write? The importance of accountability for the quality of our writing but especially for our faith walk.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

Marlene Bagnull

Marlene Bagnull  Write His Answer
Conference Director
Publisher, Editor

Ampelos Press

Author, Speaker

Marlene is the director of the Colorado and the Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference and the publisher/editor of Ampelos Press, a small subsidy house that helps Christians self-publish affordably yet professionally. She has over 1,000 sales to Christian periodicals and is the author of five books including Write His Answer - A Bible Study for Christian Writers (in print for 26 years). She is also the compiler/editor of four other books.

Editorial Needs  Ampelos Press publishes only one or two titles a year. I am especially interested in helping authors self-publish books about missions and the needs of children such as The Place of the Mourning Doves - Reaching Out to Romanian Orphans and Benard's Vision - The Quest of a Kenyan Pastor. I will also consider issues fiction.

Click here for areas of expertise for one-on-one appointments. I also welcome the opportunity to pray for you.

Dan Balow 

CEO and Publisher, Gilead Publishing
Literary Agent, The Steve Laube Agency 

Dan started in Christian publishing in 1983 and over the last 30+ years has been involved on the business side of the industry. In 2016, he started Gilead Publishing, a publisher of Christian-themed fiction. Dan serves as CEO and publisher of the company. Dan’s strengths would be his understanding of what it takes to be successful in the current publishing environment and how all the pieces of the publishing “puzzle” fit together. He is a founding member of the advisory board of the Christy Awards and is involved in training and mentoring Christian publishers from around the world through Media Associates International.  (www.littworld.org) Dan is a graduate of Wheaton College (IL) with a degree in Communications. He is married to Carol, a speech therapist in the public schools. They live in Wheaton, Illinois, and have four grown children and four granddaughters.

Dan joined The Steve Laube Agency in July 2013 and works with authors of nonfiction exclusively. He blogs on the company blog every Tuesday. Click here for info about what he is interested in representing.

Workshop – Building Your Author Platform (Thursday, 1F)
A step-by-step approach to building an effective author platform.

Workshop – Unnecessary Things for Writers (Friday, 3B)
Unnecessary words, work, and worry – three things getting in the way of an enjoyable writing life.

Workshop – Writing to Men (Saturday, 5D)
How they are the same or different.

Click here for editorial needs.

Steve Barclift 
Managing Editor, Kregel Publications
Children’s Author

Steve has been involved in Christian publishing for more than 30 years. He was the founding managing editor of Christian Parenting Today magazine (originally located in Sisters, Oregon) before accepting a book-editing position with Questar Publishers in 1989. (Questar eventually purchased Multnomah Publishers and took on Multnomah’s better-known name.) Steve was a senior editor with Questar/Multnomah for several years and has been managing editor at Kregel Publications since 1997. A children’s-book author, Steve received an ECPA (Evangelical Christian Publishers Association) Gold Medallion Award for The Beginner’s Devotional. He also received the 2017 Golden Scroll Non-Fiction Editor of the Year award from the Advanced Writers & Speakers Association.

Steve prefers the great outdoors to sitting at a desk; he enjoys fishing, hiking, snowshoeing, skiing, and photography. He also has a quirky fascination with weather and hopes to have snow on the ground during CCWC (my apologies, Marlene). Steve and his family live near Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Click here for editorial needs.

Tamara Clymer
Tamara Clymer

CrossRiver Media

Award-winning Television &
Newspaper Journalist


Tamara is an award-winning television and newspaper journalist as well as a speaker and publisher. Born and raised in the Midwest, she earned a journalism degree from Kansas State University. After working for 15 years in the television and newspaper industries, she felt it was time to use her writing skills to glorify God. In 2010, she founded CrossRiver Media Group  — a Christian publishing company which has gone on to produce several award-winning books including Christian Small Publishers Books of the Year and SELAH Award winners. Tamara encourages her authors to find their voice and she helps writers to do the same at Christian conferences all across the country. Tamara has been married to her high school sweetheart, Shad, for nearly 30 years. They have 4 children and live in western Kansas where they keep busy with their kids’ high school sports, church activities, and family camping trips to the mountains.

Workshop – Ten Things to Do Before Submitting Your Proposal (Thursday, 2E)
You’ve poured your heart and soul into your latest writing project. The next best seller may very well be sitting in your computer, but have you done everything you can to convince an editor? Tamara will walk you through the proposal process and show you what you need to do to make sure your manuscript gets past the proposal stage and into production.

Workshop – Creative Marketing (Saturday, 5F)
Facebook has changed its news feed yet again, which means your fan page has even less reach than it did just last year. We’ll talk about an even better tool you can use to reach your fans and ways you can work around the social media giants to get your book into the hands of buyers.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

Cheri Cowell 
Owner and Publisher
EABooks Publishing

As the Owner and Publisher of EABooks Publishing, Cheri brings a unique blend of publisher and author experience to her company which benefits new, aspiring, and accomplished authors. As an author and speaker herself, with four traditionally published books including 365 Devotions for Peace by Zondervan, and Parables and Word Pictures, a Bible study by AMG, she understands the traditional publishing world. Cheri began EABooks Publishing after learning how to get her own materials into e-book format. With her passion of helping others see God’s Word come alive, she is excited to expand that mission by helping fellow authors take advantage of all the new publishing trends. Says Cheri, “Whether your vision is e-books, print, or audiobooks, we can help you expand your reach with the message God gave you.” 

Early Bird Workshop – Evaluating Your Options (Wednesday, E14)
We’ll discuss traditional publishing, answer some forbidden questions, and take a look at the many options for self-, independent and co-publishing, and partnership publishing. As someone with her foot in both worlds, Cheri can help you evaluate your options.

Workshop – Social Media for the Reluctant: Connecting to Your Readers (Friday, 4F)
You’ve heard you need to be on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and all kinds of other social media, and you need 10,000 “friends” if you want to be taken seriously as an author. Who has time for all of this and still find time to write? And what if you don’t know a Tweet from a Hoot and your Friends are on your Christmas Card list? This workshop will not only show the reluctant how to fit it all into your schedule, but you’ll walk away with a plan that even the most reluctant can implement. 

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

Scoti Domeij
Scoti Domeij

Acquisitions Editor, Blackside Publishing
Director, Springs Writers

Scoti has held various responsibilities with 10 traditional publishers including author; editor; senior research assistant; copywriter; marketing director; and production, art, and design coordinator. As Director of Springs Writers, which offers monthly conference-quality workshops and bi-annual writing boot camps, Scoti’s passion is to help writers hone their skills, pursue their passion, and publish the story God embedded in their hearts.

She has published over 400 articles in such diverse periodicals as The New York Times, Southwest Art, School Daze, Sam Journal, Contemporary Christian Music, Focus on the Family magazine and other parenting magazines. She contributed to Violence of Action: The Untold Stories of the 75th Ranger Regiment in the War on Terror (Blackside Concepts), Love is a Verb and Heaven Touching Earth (Bethany House), Christmas Miracles (St. Martin’s Press), Extraordinary Answers to Prayer: In Times of Change (Guideposts), and The Mommy Diaries: Finding Yourself in the Daily Adventure (Revell). She authored Bible Heroes (Rainbow Publishers) and co-authored Wrong Way, Jonah (Harvest House Publishers) with Kay Arthur. 

Scoti is the proud Gold Star mother of Army Ranger Sgt. First Class Kristoffer Domeij, KIA October 22, 2011, in Afghanistan on his 14th deployment, the most deployed solder in American history to be killed in action. As a result of her loss, God opened the door for Scoti to become the Acquisitions Editor for Blackside Publishing. In her role as an editor and a contributing writer for Havok Journal, an online Huff-post-style journal targeted to and written by military personnel and veterans, Scoti opens conversations on subjects-you’re-not-supposed-to-talk-about. 

Continuing Session – Your Book Launch Game Plan
Most writers spend their time writing a manuscript and very little time figuring out how they’ll market their book. The biggest secret no one tells you behind an author landing an agent or book contract or making money in self-publishing—a savvy book marketing plan. Your Book Launch Game Plan provides a step-by-step, month-by-month, how-to action plan that covers the nitty-gritty groundwork of book marketing. It lays out a 6-month timeline to build a social media platform, to create pre-release marketing buzz, to launch your book, and to promote your book throughout the year after your book launches.

Thursday Nightowl – Critique Group  with Debbie Maxwell Allen and Shelley Ring.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

Jesse Doogan
Acquisitions Editor, Children & Youth

Tyndale House Publishers

Jesse is an acquisitions editor for children and youth at Tyndale House Publishers. She graduated with a degree in Communications from Moody Bible Institute. Jesse believes that the books you read as a child are the books that shape you for the rest of your life, and she is passionate about using literature to reach kids for Christ. She spends much of her spare time trying to find her cat who is usually hiding behind a stack of Jesse’s books. 

Workshop – Children’s Book Trends (Friday, 3G)
We all know it’s important to know the trends in our market, but we never talk about how to know them. In this session, Jesse Doogan, acquisitions editor for kids and youth at Tyndale House Publishers, will break down what the current and emerging children’s and YA book trends are, teach you how to track trends, and help you fit your book into the current market.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

Judy DunaganJudy Dunagan
Acquisitions Editor
Moody Publishers

Judy served as a women’s ministry leader before joining Moody Publishers in 2014 as an acquisitions editor overseeing the women’s line of books and discipleship resources. A wonder seeker who chases knowledge of God and His Word, Judy is passionate about discipling women and making God’s Word come alive in everyday life. Judy has loved the power of storytelling as far back as she can remember when she’d pretend to write stories before she knew how to write her name. Judy and her husband, Rick, have been married 32 years and are loving their empty-nest years in the Colorado mountains. They have two married daughters; one in Kansas City, and the other in Minnesota, which is too far away from their first grandbaby, Liam, now over a year old.

Workshop – Pursue His Purpose for Your Writing (Friday, 6A)
Discover how your passion for writing can become an act of worship. We will dive into Hebrews 12 and focus on the importance of pursuing HIS purpose for your writing. We will also look at what it means to surrender the dream to get published, while still pursuing that dream. As an acquiring editor, Judy will share why she is seeking proposals for books that teach deep biblical truths in creative and fresh ways. And she will provide practical tools for making those truths and His Word come alive in your writing. 

Click here for editorial needs.

Tessa Emily Hall 
YA Acquisitions Editor, Illuminate YA
(Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas Imprint)
Founder/Editor, PursueMagazine.net
Assistant to Cyle Young, Hartline Literary Agency

Tessa writes inspirational yet authentic YA fiction to show teens they’re not alone. Her passion for shedding light on clean entertainment and media for teens led her to a career as an Assistant to Cyle Young at Hartline Literary Agency (click here for what Cyle Young is interested in representing), YA Acquisitions Editor for Illuminate YA (LPC Imprint), and Founder/Editor of PursueMagazine.net. Tessa’s first teen devotional, COFFEE SHOP DEVOS, will release with Bethany House in 2018. She’s guilty of making way too many lattes and never finishing her to-read list. When her fingers aren’t flying 116 WPM across the keyboard, she can be found speaking to teens, decorating her insulin pump, and acting in Christian films. Her favorite way to procrastinate is by connecting with readers on her blog, mailing list, social media (@tessaemilyhall), and website: www.tessaemilyhall.com

Early Bird Workshop – Mastering the Five Variations of Show vs. Tell (Wednesday, E6)
Every writer is advised to “show” their story rather than tell it, yet this seems to remain the most difficult technique for writers to master. Perhaps it’s because we’re showing in some areas of our writing yet telling in others. In this workshop, I’ll discuss the five variations of showing vs. telling and how you can bring your story to life by mastering these techniques. Be sure to bring a 1000-word sample of your writing that you don’t mind revising and possibly sharing with the class (optional).

Teens Write – You’re Never Too Young to Begin Your Writing Journey (Saturday, 9:45 – 10:30)
When I began my writing journey at 15-years-old, I soon discovered that adults had differing opinions about teen writers. While most were supportive, others advised that I stay away from pursuing the writing journey until later in life. In this workshop, I’ll give a brief overview of my writing journey—including how I received a publishing contract at 16-years-old—and discuss the pros and cons of pursuing writing at an early age.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

Eddie JonesEddie Jones
Founder and CEO
Lighthouse Publishing
of the Carolinas


Eddie is Founder and CEO of Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas and co-founder of Christian Devotions Ministries. In 2016 LPC was named Publisher of the Year at the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference. He is also an award-winning novelist of middle-grade fiction for boys. Click here for the books Eddie has authored.

Editorial Needs – LPC Books launched its general book publishing division in 2007. Our authors include Christy Award winners, debut novelists, and nonfiction writers. When our fiction titles project an agenda (and all novels have some agenda), they point to moral truths and characters with strong beliefs about what’s right and wrong. Our imprints include: Heritage Beacon Fiction (historical fiction); Firefly Southern Fiction (southern fiction); Bling! Romance (clean romance with something extra); Candlelight Romance (contemporary inspirational romance); Guiding Light Fiction (women’s fiction); Straight Street Books (general nonfiction including Christian living, culture and contemporary issues, family and parenting, humor, inspirational, marriage, prayer, spiritual growth, spiritual warfare, and women’s issues); Illuminate YA; SonRise Devotionals; and Lamplighter Mysteries.

Click here for specific editorial needs.

Rowena Kuo
CEO and Executive Editor, Brimstone Fiction
Development Executive Producer
Lighthouse Productions of the Carolinas (LPC) Media Group


Rowena is the CEO and executive editor for Brimstone Fiction. She is also the Development Executive Producer for Lighthouse Productions of the Carolinas. With over 15 years of ministering to children, youth groups, young adults, and now women and family groups, Rowena advocates for writers to build God-centered support systems consisting of people, perseverance, practice, and most of all, prayer. She has written for Christian Devotions, Written World Communications, Splickety, and the 168 Write of Passage. When not working on words or films, she is a full-time mom with secret aspirations for spaceflight.

Workshop – Fantasy Genres . . . Where Do I Fit? (Friday, 3C)
How many fantasy genres are there, and where does your manuscript fit in? Can Science Fiction and Fantasy integrate in a successful novel? Discover the genres and subgenres of fantasy, where your novel would fall, your target audience, and ways to help your story find its niche.

Workshop – Mastering Realistic Dialogue (Saturday, 5C)
What are the vital components to writing engaging dialogue between your characters? From books to screenplays, effective dialogue factors into the success of each scene, delivers the message you want portrayed, and guides the overall tone as your story unfolds. Discuss the methods, vernacular, and culture behind the motives of your characters and how these impact the relationship between your characters and your reader. Utilize the top 10 traits that can captivate your audience through the emotions embedded within dialogue exchange and distinguish your writing from what is ordinary to what can be considered profound.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

Catherine LawtonCatherine Lawton  Remembering Softly   
Co-owner, Publisher, Editor

Cladach Publishing

Cathy has enjoyed producing written expression since she was a toddler scribbling in the margins of her preacher-father’s theology books. This desire was encouraged when she had a poem published in a national periodical at the age of  twelve. Cathy is the author, as-told-to author, or compiler/author of four books, including her collection of poetry written throughout her life, Remembering Softly: A Life in Poems. Her writing has appeared in a variety of periodicals.

Cathy is publisher and editor-in-chief at Cladach Publishing that she founded 15 years ago. Cladach is a small royalty press that produces and distributes 2-3 new titles per year and currently has 38 titles in print. Cladach publishes trade paperbacks, ebooks, and some audio books. This family company includes Cathy, her husband, Larry, and their daughter, and they wear all the hats of publisher, editor, design, marketing, sales, and fulfillment. With a BA in English and training in music, Cathy has worked as a substitute teacher in public schools, a private piano teacher, a freelance writer and editor. Cathy finds regular renewal in nature, contemplation, poetry, music, friends, and family. 

Cladach is pronounced: Kla’ dak ~ This Scottish Gaelic word means “shore” as in “seashore.” “Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore” (John 21:4). The Lord sends us forth on life’s sea to venture for him, then welcomes us to the safety of his shore; and always He is with us. Note from Marlene: I encourage you to subscribe to Cathy’s blog, “The View from This Publisher’s Shore,” at http://cladach.com/blog

Early Bird Workshop – Poetry (Wednesday, E7)
How to improve, market, and publish your poetry. In the process, sharpen your observation skills, deepen your relationship with God, connect with and influence others.

Workshop – Using Fiction Techniques (Friday, 3D) 
Bring your nonfiction writing alive and hold interest by using fiction techniques. Whether you write blogs, personal memoirs, or articles, your writing can have more appeal, and be more convincing, when you learn to incorporate descriptive detail, use dialogue, paint the scene, set a mood, add dramatic tension and resolution.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

Linda Evans ShepardLinda Evans Shepherd Called to Pray
Author, Speaker - www.sheppro.com
Publisher, Jubilant Press and Leading Hearts Magazine
President, Right to the Heart Ministries
Publisher, Arise Daily, a dialy e-devotional
Founder & Director, Advanced Writers & Speakers Assc. (AWSA)


Linda is a nationally known Christian speaker and an award-winning, best-selling author of over 30 books. Her online and speaking ministries have seen well over 350,000 people come to Christ and are seen by over 90,000 people daily. In addition to writing and speaking, Linda is president of a large Christian ministry, Right to the Heart, and also ministers to the top 500 Christian women authors and speakers in the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA) that she founded and directs.  She’s the publisher of the EPA Award Winning magazine, Leading Hearts, and the publisher of the all new Arise Daily e-devotional.

Keynote – How to Pray through a Call to Write (Saturday pm)
How to pray past your hurts, fear, woundedness, lies, and rejection—to the joys of saying YES to God. Linda shares her own experiences of how God called her to write and how she sees writing as a way to worship God and  minister to others.

Workshop - Yes, You Can Ace Your Interviews (Thursday, 2F)
What if there was a secret formula to doing a great interview? There is! Let Linda Evans Shepherd teach this and other interview secrets to you so you can exponentially-expand your ministry, from your writing, to awaiting radio, TV and Internet-live audiences everywhere. You can make a greater impact than you’ve ever made before.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

Jennifer Slattery 

Managing and Acquiring Editor
Guiding Light Women’s Fiction
Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas
Founder, speaker Wholly Loved Ministries

Jennifer is the managing and acquiring editor for Guiding Light Women’s Fiction, an imprint with Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. She is also the founder of Wholly Loved Ministries, a multi-published traditional author, and a paid contributor to Crosswalk.com. She speaks and teaches locally and nationally.

Workshop – Creating Page-Turning Fiction (Friday, 4C)
This class discusses the components to great, satisfying, and page-turning fiction: high stakes, creating a sense of urgency, maintaining a sensitivity to the emotions of the reader (balancing emotive sections with comic relief), a strong and consistent moral premise (not to be confused with spiritual theme), and a consistent and believable plot and subplots that work together. 

Workshop – Characters that Grab the Readers (Saturday, 6C)
Some characters entertain us; others grab hold of us and don’t let go. A well-crafted character grabs the reader at their deepest heart level, causing them to see themselves in the character’s struggles and victories. In this discussion on abstract and concrete goals, inner lies, black moments, and character arcs, writers will learn how to take their readers from merely enjoying their stories to living them.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

Bill WatkinsBill WatkinsThe New Absolutes
Senior Editor
BroadStreet Publishing Group

President, Literary Solutions

Bill is is the president of Literary Solutions and senior editor at BroadStreet Publishing Group. He is an award-winning author with 7 published books and about 150 other kinds of writing, including essays, articles, dictionary entries, booklets, pamphlets, study guides, book reviews, and opinion pieces.

In his editing work, which has often included book acquisitions, he has worked with Thomas Nelson, Marvel, Bethany House, Baker Books, Chalice Press, Moody Press, NavPress, Broadman & Holman, Authentic, Servant, and the American Center for Law and Justice.

Bill loves to teach and mentor aspiring writers, and he has worked with hundreds of writers, helping a large number of them find publishing homes for their manuscripts. In his 35-plus years in publishing, he has worked with such authors as Mike Huckabee (the former governor of Arkansas), William Bennett (the former US Secretary of Education), Charles R. Swindoll, Josh McDowell, Norman L. Geisler, Leslie Vernick, Paula Rinehart, William Lane Craig, J. P. Moreland, Dallas Willard, Peter Kreeft, Gary Habermas, Cecil Murphey, Jo Kadlecek, and George Grant.

Bill is married and has 7 adult children and 6 grandchildren. He enjoys reading, movies, deep conversations, dating his wife, playing with his grandkids, and teaching every chance he gets.

Keynote – “Christians Are Hateful” – The Cultural Challenge for Today’s Christians (Friday am)
Why does our culture increasingly hear Christian beliefs as hate speech? How can we connect with people who are predisposed against us? The cultural challenge is great, but we can break through. Find out how.

Continuing Session – Writing that Changes Lives
Culture changes one life at a time. And those personal changes impact the lives of others, eventually bringing about changes in policies, laws, business, entertainment, education, the church, and a host of other spheres in society. Although there are multiple causes of change, one that’s proven effective long after its author is gone is writing. But not just any writing. It must be writing that connects, challenges, provokes, inspires, casts vision, provides hope, and refuses to back away from telling the truth. It does not waste time with the trivial and the comfortable. Instead it takes readers more deeply into the true, the good, and the beautiful in all their power and mystery. Come learn how to write to change lives and eventually cultures.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

W Terry WhalinW. Terry Whalin 
Acquisitions Editor

Morgan James Publishing



Terry understands both sides of the editorial desk – as an editor and a writer. He worked as a magazine editor and his work has appeared in more than 50 publications. Terry is an Acquisitions Editor at Morgan James Publishing. A former literary agent, Terry has acquired books at two other publishing houses and been in publishing over 25 years. He has written more than 60 books through traditional publishers in a wide range of topics from children’s books to biographies to co-authored books. Several of Terry’s books have sold over 100,000 copies.  Terry’s newest book, Jumpstart Your Publishing Dreams, Insider Secrets to Skyrocket Your Success, is packed with insight. Also Terry has an innovative online training course to help authors effectively connect with literary agents and editors called Write A Book Proposal. Terry is a popular speaker and teacher at numerous writers’ conferences and an active member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors.

Early Bird Workshop – Go Viral: Social Network Marketing (Wednesday, E13)
You can waste huge amounts of time and energy on social media. How can you do it effectively and without spending a lot of time? Terry has over 180,000 Twitter followers, over 4,800 Facebook friends, and over 5,000 LinkedIn connections. He spends less than 30 minutes a day on his social media yet has an effective, growing presence in the social media arena. In this workshop, Terry reveals his secrets and tips for Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn so you too can grow your platform and presence without wasting hours of time.

Workshop – Nonfiction Book Creation from the Ground Up (Thursday, 1D)
How do you determine the big picture for a book project? This workshop details the essence of storyboarding techniques, then the pragmatic step-by-step instruction to write a complete book manuscript. Terry has accomplished these steps many times and can guide you in the process.

Workshop – Understand and Negotiate Contracts (Friday, 3E)
Learn the inside scoop from an acquisitions editor and former literary agent about what you can expect on your contract. I’ve been on both sides of this table for many years.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

Periodicals & Online Markets

Terrence Clark
Founder & Chief Editor
The Glory Cloud Publications, LLC
Voice of One CNC magazine
Creator of ClubK4C
Author, Cartoonist

Terrence is a multi-talented and diverse minister and speaker. He is the founder of The Glory Cloud publications LLC and Voice of One CNC magazine—reporting on miracles, testimonies, and stories in the Christian community. He is the creator of ClubK4C a multifaceted kids’ club which promotes wholesome virtues to kids throughout the world via the arts & media. This includes a 24/7 kids’ radio network and new kids’ magazine.

He is also a published author, cartoonist, and playwright. He is a powerful but smooth, anointed vocalist ministering in music at many different churches, conferences, and events including television. 

Terrence is a regular faculty member
at the Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference.
It’s become tradition for him to bring us into the Throne Room
Thursday morning singing “Days of Elijah.”
I’m so pleased to have him on this year’s Colorado faculty.
His ministry in song will bless you! 
Marlene Bagnull

Terrence has passion for helping people tell their story. He is a certified Life coach and TGC publications helps authors develop their story from thought to print.

He has walked with the Lord and ministered for over 34 years serving at 2 churches in NJ.  He has spent 28 years in corporate America and leadership for 12. He has spoken at multiple churches, conferences, and workshops.

Married to Linda, they have 4 children, 6 grandchildren, and reside in Williamstown, NJ. They have opened their home, in the past, to teens, the homeless, and single women with children.

Summarized, Terrence’s ministry is communicating the gospel through every available means thus, making a difference and silencing all opposing doubts. Highlighting Luke 4:18-19, his life and mission stands upon the Word of God.

Workshop – Reach Kids with the Gospel (Saturday, 5G)
Only the Holy Spirit can reveal Jesus. We’ll explore our need to tap into the power, person, and presence of the Parakletos Himself in ministering to kids of all ages.

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Tessa Emily Hall 
YA Acquisitions Editor, Illuminate YA
(Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas Imprint)
Founder/Editor, PursueMagazine.net
Assistant to Cyle Young,Hartline Literary Agency

Tessa writes inspirational yet authentic YA fiction to show teens they’re not alone. Her passion for shedding light on clean entertainment and media for teens led her to a career as an Assistant to Cyle Young at Hartline Literary Agency (click here for what he is interested in representing), YA Acquisitions Editor for Illuminate YA (LPC Imprint), and Founder/Editor of PursueMagazine.net. Tessa’s first teen devotional, COFFEE SHOP DEVOS, will release with Bethany House in 2018. She’s guilty of making way too many lattes and never finishing her to-read list. When her fingers aren’t flying 116 WPM across the keyboard, she can be found speaking to teens, decorating her insulin pump, and acting in Christian films. Her favorite way to procrastinate is by connecting with readers on her blog, mailing list, social media (@tessaemilyhall), and website: www.tessaemilyhall.com

Early Bird Workshop – Mastering the Five Variations of Show vs. Tell (Wednesday, E6)
Every writer is advised to “show” their story rather than tell it, yet this seems to remain the most difficult technique for writers to master. Perhaps it’s because we’re showing in some areas of our writing yet telling in others. In this workshop, I’ll discuss the five variations of showing vs. telling and how you can bring your story to life by mastering these techniques. Be sure to bring a 1000-word sample of your writing that you don’t mind revising and possibly sharing with the class (optional).

Teens Write – You’re Never Too Young to Begin Your Writing Journey (Saturday, 9:45 – 10:30)
When I began my writing journey at 15-years-old, I soon discovered that adults had differing opinions about teen writers. While most were supportive, others advised that I stay away from pursuing the writing journey until later in life. In this workshop, I’ll give a brief overview of my writing journey—including how I received a publishing contract at 16-years-old—and discuss the pros and cons of pursuing writing at an early age.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

Debbie HardyDebbie HardyFree to Be Fabulous
Representative, ChristianDevotions.us
Author, Speaker
Queen of Resilience


Debbie, the Queen of Resilience, didn’t start writing until age 57. Since then, she has published three books; written devotions, blogs, and magazine articles; contributed to anthologies; and been interviewed on radio and TV over 200 times. A Colorado resident and accomplished pianist, Debbie is a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, National Speakers Association of Colorado, and writers groups where she mentors aspiring authors. She speaks at women’s meetings, retreats, and conferences, sharing ideas on how to fight age and become fabulous. Gramma Debbie is proof that you’re never too old to live your dream.

Practical, encouraging, humorous – 
Free to be Fabulous gave me hope that the best is yet to be.
This is must reading for every woman who believes the lie
that she is “over the hill” or fears that day is fast approaching.
Marlene Bagnull

Early Bird Workshop – How to Write a Book AND Get It Published (Wednesday, E4B, 1:00 – 2:00)  New!
Unlike movies would have us believe, writing and publishing a book involves more than just handing some pages to a publisher. We’ll go through the basic steps, from getting your idea and putting it on paper to seeing your book in print and marketing it. Learn how you can become a published author this year.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

Sherri Langton

Freelance Writer
Associate Editor, Bible Advocate
and Now What? e-zine

Sherri, the associate editor of the Bible Advocate magazine and of Now What? e-zine, has worked over 25 years in Christian publishing. She is an award-winning freelance writer whose work has appeared in Focus on the Family, In Touch, Upper Room, Today’s Christian Woman, Marriage Partnership, Discipleship Journal, Decision, Quiet Hour, and other publications. Sherri also has contributed to Chicken Soup for the Soul in Menopause, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Parenthood, My Turn to Care, Teatime Stories for Women, Becoming a Godly Man, Faces of Faith, Hurray God!, and Understanding Depression and Suicide: Hope in the Darkness. She loves talking one-on-one to writers and helping them shape their ideas for print/online.

Workshop – Writing Articles that Teach (Friday, 4B)
In these days of increasing Bible ignorance, help point readers to truths in the Word of God through a teaching article. What is a teaching article — and what isn’t it? This class will answer these questions and show you how to rightly divide the Word for your writing. It will also show you how to engage readers to grow in knowledge and understanding of biblical truths.

Workshop – Matchmaker, Matchmaker (Saturday, 6E)
Have you poured your heart and soul into an article and submitted it to a magazine, only to have it crash land in the rejection pile? Often the problem isn’t poor writing but a poor match: You really don’t know what the magazine is about. Though editors urge you to familiarize yourself with their publications, how exactly do you study a magazine? In this workshop, we will learn tools of analyzing a magazine and how to shape your writing for different markets. Bring an article you haven’t submitted yet, a reprint of a published article, or an idea, and we’ll spend time finding the right match.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

Rick Marschall 

Editor, Innovative Health Magazine
Monday Morning Ministry Blog

Rick has written 74 books and hundreds of magazine articles. A former Director of Product Development at Youth Specialties and speaker at Youth Worker conferences, he is a former political cartoonist who has spoken at the Library of Congress and on C-SPAN. He currently edits a healthy lifestyle magazine.

Workshop – Beyond Books (Thursday, 1E)
Many aspiring Christian writers focus on the book market. But beyond books are activities that can affect your Impact and your Income! Magazine articles and blogs are two vital areas these days. Rick has founded 5, and edited 7, magazines. And he has written a blog for almost a decade. He will share tips and the special skills needed to write His answer in these formats.

Workshop – Being Relevant to Contemporary Readers (Saturday, 6B)
Modernism; post-modernism; reaching Millennials; Generation X, Y, and...Z? How can you reach today’s new audiences? How can you win souls when you can’t speak the language? And, how can you be relevant without wading into popular-culture trash? Rick, who has been Editor of Marvel Comics and a writer for Disney, will help you navigate these treacherous waters.

Click here for editorial needs and areas of expertise for appointments and paid critiques.

Beth Patch

Senior Producer and
Internet Acquisitions Editor

Beth is the senior editor for the Spiritual Life channel on CBN.com. In this position, she chooses and produces the Daily Devotions, the most popular subscription on the site. She’s also responsible for feature articles on all facets of Christianity. Beth got her start in Christian writing through a mid-life calling (instead of a mid-life crisis). She followed the Lord’s leading to drop out of her established real estate career and trust Him with His promise to her that she would “be paid for working with words.” The adventure landed her at CBN.com in 2008 and she’s still enjoying the adventure.

Early Bird Workshop – Devoted to You (Wednesday, E11)
An entry-level devotion writing workshop. Learn the four basic elements needed for writing an inspirational devotion and tips on self-editing, story development, focus, and following guidelines.

Workshop - Writing for CBN (Saturday, 6G)
An introduction to each section of CBN.com that accepts submissions; instructions for authors and publicists on how to submit content for publication; a view of our author pages, article pages, and book pages as well as our social media pages promoting our content. A behind the scenes description of the process we are going through at CBN with your submissions.

Click here for editorial needs.

Marti Pieper
Online Editor, SpiritLed Woman
Author, Collaborative Writer, Editor
Captain, Appointment Desk

Marti’s passion to read, write, and pray makes her life an adventure. An award-winning author and ghostwriter of eight nonfiction books, she also spent several years writing and editing for Homeschooling Today and Sisterhood magazines and now works full-time for Charisma Media where she serves as copy editor and online editor for SpiritLed Woman. Marti and her worship pastor husband, Tom, have five adult children and the cutest baby grandson in the world. 

Workshop – Master the Memoir (Saturday, 6D)
Do you have a life story the world needs to hear? Do you want to leave a legacy in print for family, friends, and beyond? The dos and don’ts, including the importance of a narrative thread and the mystery of marketability.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee
Editor-in-Chief and National Literary Secretary
The Salvation Army National Publications
War Cry and Young Salvationist

Allen has served in The Salvation Army for over 25 years. His overseas appointments include the Singapore, Malaysia and Myanmar Command; Papua New Guinea Territory; and Caribbean Territory. Since 2011 he has served as the Editor-in-Chief and National Literary Secretary, The Salvation Army National Publications. He is the author of over 250 articles and 10 books including In the Balance: Christ Weighs the Hearts of Seven Churches. 

Workshop – Self-Editing (Thursday, 2B)
The most important editing done on any manuscript is by the author. In this workshop we’ll discuss the importance of self-editing as well as steps and proven methods to help the writer present the best possible manuscript to a potential publisher.

Click here for editorial needs.

Linda Evans ShepardLinda Evans Shepherd Called to Pray
Author, Speaker - www.sheppro.com
Publisher, Jubilant Press and Leading Hearts Magazine
President, Right to the Heart Ministries
Publisher, Arise Daily, a dialy e-devotional
Founder & Director, Advanced Writers & Speakers Assc. (AWSA)


Linda is a nationally known Christian speaker and an award-winning, best-selling author of over 30 books. Her online and speaking ministries have seen well over 350,000 people come to Christ and are seen by over 90,000 people daily. In addition to writing and speaking, Linda is president of a large Christian ministry, Right to the Heart, and also ministers to the top 500 Christian women authors and speakers in the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA) that she founded and directs.  She's the publisher of the EPA Award Winning magazine, Leading Hearts and the publisher of the all new Arise Daily e-devotional.

Keynote – How to Pray through a Call to Write (Saturday pm)
How to pray past your hurts, fear, woundedness, lies, and rejection—to the joys of saying YES to God. Linda shares her own experiences of how God called her to write and how she sees writing as a way to worship God and  minister to others.

Workshop - Yes, You Can Ace Your Interviews (Thursday, 2F)
What if there was a secret formula to doing a great interview? There is! Let Linda Evans Shepherd teach this and other interview secrets to you so you can exponentially-expand your ministry, from your writing, to awaiting radio, TV and Internet-live audiences everywhere. You can make a greater impact than you’ve ever made before.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.

Dr. Craig von Buseck
Senior Editor, Inspiration.org
Author, www.vonbuseck.com

Craig is a published author and Senior Editor for Inspiration.org, the official website of Inspiration Ministries in Charlotte, North Carolina. He is also a contributing writer for CBN.com, MTL Magazine, and Generals.org. Craig is a regular guest on Susie Larson’s “Live the Promise” program on Faith Radio Network. He holds a Doctor of Ministry and an MA in Religious Journalism from Regent University, and a BA in Speech Communication from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania.

Craig’s most recent book is Nobody Knows: The Forgotten Story of One of the Most Influential Figures in American Music, a narrative biography of the great African-American composer, Harry T. Burleigh. Craig is also the author of Praying the News: Your Prayers Are More Powerful Than You Know, co-written by 700 Club co-host Wendy Griffith.

He has just completed a biography examining the Zionist Movement and the life of President Harry S. Truman to commemorate the 1OOth anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. The new book,  I Am Cyrus: Han·y S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel, will be released soon.

Continuing Session – Writing Narrative Nonfiction
With blockbusters like Team of Rivals and Unbroken dominating the best-seller lists, the narrative nonfiction genre is a burgeoning market for writers who want to tell true stories with powerful messages. Learn the difference between narrative nonfiction, biography, and historical fiction. Discover how true stories can unlock the hearts of your readers to the ways God can love supernaturally in the lives of people who seek Him.

Click here for editorial needs and availability for paid critiques.