May 8 update – Click here for important How-to Notes
including how to check in
Click here for videotape of conferee orientation
(Skip ads and fast forward to around 13 minutes)
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Dear conferee –
I believe God has called you to this year’s CCWC – now known as the Write His Answer Conference since we’ve combined the Colorado and Greater Philly conference into one virtual conference this year. No matter whether you’re a beginning or professional writer or whether you write fiction or nonfiction, I expect God will encourage and equip you to “Write His Answer” in ways that will change lives for eternity!
The most important thing you can do to prepare for this year’s CCWC is to seek Him and His will for your writing. I especially want to encourage you to click here for a Bible study on Habakkuk 2:2, our theme verse.
Orientation and Navigating the Conference
Sunday, May 8, 2:30 pm MT (4:30 pm ET, 3:30 CT, 1:30 PT)
Monday, May 9, 9:30 am MT (11:30 ET, 10:30 CT, 8:30 PT)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 891 7777 5509
Passcode: 726774
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,89177775509#,,,,*726774# US (Chicago)
Hour of Encouragement
Time: May 8, 2022 21:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
7:00 pm MT (9 ET, 8 CT, 6 PT)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 842 5316 1391
Passcode: 620093
One tap mobile
+19294362866,,84253161391#,,,,*620093# US (New York)
Please be watching (prior to the first orientation on Sunday) for conference check-in how-to’s. Be sure to put Wednesday morning, 8 am MT – 12:30 pm MT on your calendar for check-in (10 ET, 9 CT, 7 PT).
Pre-recorded Webinars
If you’ve not yet viewed these, I encourage you to pick at least ONE to watch before the conference.
Writing the Personal Experience Story – Marlene Bagnull
Writing Articles – How to Hook ’Em from the Get-Go; Hold ’Em to the End – Marlene Bagnull
The Weight of the First Page – Linda Glaz
Learn to put POP! and action onto the first page of your work, in a manner that keeps a potential reader … well … reading.
Pitching to Industry Professionals – Linda Glaz
Learn how to construct the much-needed Pitch.
Nonfiction One Sheet – Marlene Bagnull
Beyond explaining what needs to be included on your nonfiction one sheet and why, Marlene shares some of her journey to publication in her “Who, ME?” webinar. Click here for sample nonfiction one sheet.
Fiction One Sheet – Darcie Gudger
First impressions are everything. Like a resume for that dream job, your one sheet needs to leave a lasting impression on agents and editors who require them. Since expectations change like the weather, come learn how you can craft that unforgettable, colorful fiction one sheet. Click here for link to sample fiction one sheet.
Brandstorming – Dick Bruso
Recording of live Zoom meeting:
Don’t miss out! Learn how to set yourself apart by attending Dick Bruso’s highly acclaimed story-based Brandstorming session for creating powerful, unique, and enduring brands in a very noisy marketplace.
For well over two decades, Dick has presented his in-demand Brandstorming program all across North America. This year, it’s being offered virtually, at no additional cost, as a special bonus, via Zoom, to all registrants of the 2022 Colorado Christian Writers Conference.
During this dynamic interactive session, Dick will demonstrate (with the assistance of two randomly selected attendees) how you and your writer colleagues can develop brands based on your unique and powerful life stories. You’ll also learn the secret of how to apply the “umbrella branding” approach to encompass all aspects of your career as a professional writer while staying totally congruent with your desired target markets.
Sell Your Book at the Conference
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. You can reach me by email at or by phone 484-991-8581.
Father, thank You for the freedom we have to “write Your answer.” Please help us to make the most of the opportunities You give us. Use this year’s CCWC to draw us all closer to You and to equip us to serve You more effectively. Give us Your vision for our writing ministry and encourage us to believe that You will use us to make a difference through the words we write and the lives we live.
Joyfully serving Christ -
P.S. Be sure to regularly check your email for conference updates as well as the conference Facebook page and my blog.
Marlene 484-991-8581 (home)
267-436-2503 (cell)
Registrar / Appointment Coordinator
Barb Haley –
If you encounter a problem checking in, contact:
Laura Shollenberger – 719-322-6992
Debbie Hardy -, 303-587-0158
Laura Shaffer –, 303-669-6383
For tech issues during the conference contact:
Main number - 719-322-6992
Chris Richards –, 720-530-7997
Donna Brennan –, 484-264-9028