2023 Schedule


Hour of Encouragement
 Open to all  
Join us on Zoom once a month on Sunday night at 8:00 pm Eastern TIme to be encouraged and to give encouragement to other writers. It’s a great way to make new friends. The link will come by email the week we are meeting. If you are not on my email list, click here.

Write His Answer Fellowship
– Open to all 
Join us every other Monday evening for an hour, 8:00 pm Eastern Time. The link will come by email the week we are meeting. If you are not on my email list, click here.

Zoom Webinars FREE for registered conferees who will receive the link via email. $14.95 for those not registered for the conference. Video available afterwards.

Going, Growing, and Writing through the Hurts – Marlene Bagnull 
Saturday, June 9, 11:30 am Eastern Time 

More to be scheduled!

To Prepare for Your Appointments – Links coming when you register

The Weight of the First Page – Linda Glaz
Learn to put POP! and action onto the first page of your work, in a manner that keeps a potential reader … well … reading.

Pitching to Industry Professionals – Linda Glaz
Learn how to construct the much-needed Pitch.

Nonfiction One Sheet – Marlene Bagnull
Beyond explaining what needs to be included on your nonfiction one sheet and why, Marlene shares some of her journey to publication. Click here for sample nonfiction one sheet.

Fiction One Sheet – Darcie Gudger
First impressions are everything. Like a resume for that dream job, your one sheet needs to leave a lasting impression on agents and editors who require them. Since expectations change like the weather, come learn how you can craft that unforgettable, colorful fiction one sheet. Click here for sample fiction one sheet.

Zoom Meetings – Links coming when you register

Developing a Great Nonfiction Pitch – Karen Whiting
Date to be announced

Make the best pitch to not only grab an editor’s attention to help get a contract but to start developing a marketing plan. Karen is the author of 27 traditionally published books. She will provide individual help to polish each person’s pitch. An effective pitch will, in 30 seconds:

Practice Your Fiction Pitch – info coming

Navigating the Conference – registered conferees will receive link
Sunday, August 6, 8:00 pm Eastern Time
Zoom with Marlene to learn how to navigate the conference dashboard and to get your questions answered.


Schedule, August 9-12, 2023 Write His Answer Conference

Highly interactive, virtually amazing!
Everything is LIVE via Zoom Meetings 

The schedule below is for your info pre-conference.
It is subject to minor changes.

During the conference you will access the sessions through the dashboard.
You will receive the link to the dashboard
when you check-in online Wednesday morning, August 9.


Registered conferees may view keynotes, learning labs,
continuing sessions, workshops, and panels
through December 31, 2023
so you do not need to attend everything.
Round tables, small group breakouts,
and critique groups are not recorded.


  All times are EASTERN TIME


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

8:00 am – 2:00 pm  Online check-in, sign waiver, tech check
You will receive an email with the link you need to check in. You MUST check in to be able to access the conference dashboard.

2:00 – 2:10  Welcome & Prayer

2:10 – 2:25  Interest Groups

2:30 – 4:30  Learning Labs (Click here for descriptions)
Adapt Your Story into a Screenplay – Rowena Kuo
Transitions: Turning Spoken Words into Written Ones (for pastors and speakers) – Tim Riter
The Why and How of Website Creation – Jonathan Shank
Basic Editing and Chainsaw Editing with a Scalpel Touch – Jeanette Littleton
Writing for the Homeschool Market – Lynn Dean
Speak with Power, Passion, and Polish – Yvonne Ortega
Writer, Thou Art Loosed! WriteCamp Intensive – Beatrice Bruno
Honest Fiction that Honors the Father – Terry Brennan
Is There a Book Dr in the House? – Diana Flegal and Eddie Jones

4:35 – 4:45  Announcements

4:45 – 4:55  Breakouts

5:00 – 5:50  Workshops (Click here for descriptions)
Partnering with God as You Write – Cheryl Ricker
Writing for the Digital Age: Leveraging Technology to Improve Your Craft – Michael Klassen
Storytelling – Karen Porter
Writing Your Past into Your Fiction – Susan Baganz 

Children’s Media Trends – Stephen O’Rear
Jumpstart Your Publishing Dreams – Terry Whalin – Unable to be with us
Which Publishing Path to Take? (Traditional vs Self-Publishing) – Michele Chynoweth

The ABC’s of Podcasting – Acoustics, Broadcasting, Connection - Patti Shene
Practical Goal Setting for Procrastinating Writers – Robert Ruesch

5:55 – 6:10  Main Stage

6:15 – 6:45  Dinner Round Tables

6:50 – 8:25  Evening Program
Worship live with Marty Goetz
Keynote, Michael Gantt – Pursue, Overtake, and Recover

8:30 – 9:30  Impact Our Culture Panel

9:45            Prayer Fellowship

Thursday, August 10, 2023
9:55 – 11:00    Opening Session
Keynote, Incorporating God's Word to Transform Lives – Michael Klassen

11:00 – 11:10   Breakouts

11:15 – 12:15   Continuing Sessions, Part 1 (Click here for descriptions)
Authentic Writing that Changes Lives – Peter Lundell, D.Miss.
Exploring the Art of Fiction – DiAnn Mills
Think Like a Publisher: Self-Publishing Made Simple – Scoti Domeij
Writing for Magazines – Sherri Langton
The #1 Way to Grow a Rock-Solid Platform: Serve Your Audience – Patricia Durgin
How to Write Narrative Nonfiction and Memoir – Dr. Craig von Buseck
Develop a Unique Marketing Plan – Karen Whiting
Writing for Children Ages 3 through 12 – Pam Halter
The Christian Communicator – Kevin Wayne Johnson

12:20 – 12:30  Main Stage

12:30 – 12:55  Lunch Round Tables

1:00 – 1:10      Main Stage

1:10 – 1:55      Panels
Indie Publishers

1:55 – 2:10      Breakouts

2:15 – 3:05      Workshop 1 (Click here for descriptions)
Connecting in the Industry – DeeDee Lake
Brand, Expand, and Plan – Dr. Sharon Norris Elliott
When Setting Becomes a Character – Gail Kittleson
Be BOLD! Bridging the Gap with Edgy Christian Fiction – Michele Chynoweth

Writing to Heal – Yvonne Ortega
Yes, You Can Write Compelling Copy for Kids – Marianne Hering
How to Get Published: The Basics and Beyond – Twila Belk
Avoid the Scams to Happily Self-Publish – Amy Deardon
Platform Boosting Email Newsletters – Thomas Umstattd Jr.
An Inside Scoop on Marketing – Stephanie Alton

3:05 – 3:15     Main Stage

3:15 – 4:15     Continuing Sessions, Part 2 (Click here for descriptions)
Authentic Writing that Changes Lives – Peter Lundell, D.Miss.
Exploring the Art of Fiction – DiAnn Mills
Think Like a Publisher: Self-Publishing Made Simple – Scoti Domeij
Writing for Magazines – Sherri Langton
The #1 Way to Grow a Rock-Solid Platform: Serve Your Audience – Patricia Durgin
How to Write Narrative Nonfiction and Memoir – Dr. Craig von Buseck
Develop a Unique Marketing Plan – Karen Whiting
Writing for Children Ages 3 through 12 – Pam Halter
The Christian Communicator – Kevin Wayne Johnson

4:15 – 4:30    Main Stage

4:30 – 5:10    Critique Groups

5:15 – 6:05    Workshop 2 (Click here for descriptions)
Storyboarding – Dr. Sharon Norris Elliott
Felt Needs Writing – Jeanette Littleton
The Twelve Essential Elements for Creative Character Development – Michelle Lazurek
Writing About Trauma – Yvonne Ortega
Fantasy Genres . . . Where Do I Belong? – Rowena Kuo
Book Proposal Distinctions – Terry Whalin – Unable to be with us
Alternatives to Traditional Publishing – Larry Carpenter
Marketing for Writers and Speakers – Karen Porter
Metadata Demystified: The Keys to Book Discoverability – Catherine Lawton

6:15 – 6:30    Main Stage

6:30 – 6:55    Dinner Round Tables

7:00 – 8:25    Evening Program
Worhip, prayer
Keynote, Our Voice in a Hostile Climate – Peter Lundell, D.Miss.

8:30- 9:30      Impact Our Culture Panel

9:45               Prayer Fellowship

Friday, August 11, 2023

9:55 – 11:00
Worship and Prayer
Keynote, The Power of Telling True Stories – Dr. Craig von Buseck

11:00 – 11:10   Breakouts

11:15 – 12:15   Continuing Sessions, Part 3 (Click here for descriptions)
Authentic Writing that Changes Lives – Peter Lundell, D.Miss.
Exploring the Art of Fiction – DiAnn Mills
Think Like a Publisher: Self-Publishing Made Simple – Scoti Domeij
Writing for Magazines – Sherri Langton
The #1 Way to Grow a Rock-Solid Platform: Serve Your Audience – Patricia Durgin
How to Write Narrative Nonfiction and Memoir – Dr. Craig von Buseck
Develop a Unique Marketing Plan – Karen Whiting
Writing for Children Ages 3 through 12 – Pam Halter
The Christian Communicator – Kevin Wayne Johnson

12:20 – 12:30  Main Stage

12:30 – 12:55  Lunch Round Tables

1:00 – 1:10      Main Stage

1:10 – 1:55      Panels
Book Editors
Periodical Editors

1:55 – 2:10      Breakouts

2:15 – 3:05      Workshop 3 (Click here for descriptions)
Is Ghostwriting for You? – Twila Belk
Excellence in Writing: Four Painful Steps – Tim Riter
Researching Historical Fiction: Writing a Window Into Another World – Lynn Dean & Gail Kittleson
Live a Page-Turner, Leave a Legacy, Write Your Story: An Introduction to Legacy Writing – Robin Grunder
The Heart of Inspirational Romance – Susan Baganz
How to Get Published – Guaranteed – Dr. James Hanak
Cover Design and Creation – Daniel Mawhinney
How to Sell Yourself – Thomas Umstattd Jr.
Paying to Play: Prioritizing Your Marketing Budget – Michele Chynoweth

3:05 – 3:15     Main Stage

3:15 – 4:15     Continuing Sessions, Part 4 (Click here for descriptions)
Authentic Writing that Changes Lives – Peter Lundell, D.Miss.
Exploring the Art of Fiction – DiAnn Mills
Think Like a Publisher: Self-Publishing Made Simple – Scoti Domeij
Writing for Magazines – Sherri Langton
The #1 Way to Grow a Rock-Solid Platform: Serve Your Audience – Patricia Durgin
How to Write Narrative Nonfiction and Memoir – Dr. Craig von Buseck
Develop a Unique Marketing Plan – Karen Whiting
Writing for Children Ages 3 through 12 – Pam Halter
The Christian Communicator – Kevin Wayne Johnson

4:15 – 4:30    Main Stage

4:30 – 5:10    Critique Groups

5:15 – 6:05    Workshop 4 (Click here for descriptions)
How to Be a Great Radio/Podcast Guest – Tez Brooks
Journalistic Techniques in Christian Writing – David Fessenden
Backstory Blowout – Rowena Kuo
Write for Guideposts Devotional Books – Sandy Kirby Quandt
Equip, Engage, and Empower Children to Stand Against the Culture Clash – Joan Benson & Marjorie Wingert
What Editors Wish Writers Knew – Jeanette Littleton
Best Publishing Plan for You? – Catherine Lawton
Using Media in Speaking – Karen Porter
Sell Your Book Without a Platform – Amy Deardon

6:15 – 6:30    Main Stage

6:30 – 6:55    Dinner Round Tables

7:00 – 9:00    Evening Program
Worship, prayer
Keynote, What’s Holding You Back? – Twila Belk

9:15               Prayer Fellowship


Saturday, August 12, 2023

9:55 – 10:10    Welcome, Worship, and Prayer

10:10 – 10:50  Keynote, Taking the Leap – Tez Brooks

10:50 – 11:10   Breakouts

11:15 – 12:15   Continuing Sessions, Part 5 (Click here for descriptions)
Authentic Writing that Changes Lives – Peter Lundell, D.Miss.
Exploring the Art of Fiction – DiAnn Mills
Think Like a Publisher: Self-Publishing Made Simple – Scoti Domeij
Writing for Magazines – Sherri Langton
The #1 Way to Grow a Rock-Solid Platform: Serve Your Audience – Patricia Durgin
How to Write Narrative Nonfiction and Memoir – Dr. Craig von Buseck
Develop a Unique Marketing Plan – Karen Whiting
Writing for Children Ages 3 through 12 – Pam Halter
The Christian Communicator – Kevin Wayne Johnson

12:20 – 12:30  Main Stage

12:30 – 12:55  Lunch Round Tables

1:00 – 1:10      Main Stage

1:10 – 1:55      Panels – Will They Read On?

2:00 – 2:50      Workshop 5 (Click here for descriptions)
Co-Authoring: 1st Hand Experience – Susan Baganz & DeeDee Lake
Write to Evoke and Provoke – Catherine Lawton
When Setting Becomes a Character – Gail Kittleson
Writing Devos – Twila Belk

How to Make Sure Your Picture Book is Better than AI – Mariane Hering
Start Selling Now with Small Assisgnments - Terry Whalin – Unable to be with us

Formatting Your Book – Daniel Mawhinney
Reaching Women - Linda Evans Shepherd
Your Platform May be Bigger than You Think - David Fessenden

2:50 – 3:00     Main Stage

3:00 – 3:40     Critique Groups

3:45 – 4:35     Workshop 6 (Click here for descriptions)
Don’t Despise the Small Things (Blogging) – Sandy Kirby Quandt
How Poetry Improves Prose – Tim Riter
Subplot Sanity – Amy Deardon
The 21 Elements of a Great Nonfiction Book – Tez Brooks
Teens in a Class All Their Own – Jeanette Littleton
From Conference to Contract: Turning Your One Sheet into a Stellar Proposal – Michelle Lazurek
The Art of the Hook: Crafting Irresistible Back Cover Copy – Michael Klassen
Maximize Your Book Table – George Porter CANCELLED
Effective and Economical Ways to Market Your Book - Larry Carpenter & Shane Crabtree

4:45 – 6:00    Main Stage
Keynote, Equipped to Win – Louise L. Looney
Closing Challenge